Chapter 44

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"Today is a day where we gather both Skywalker and Palpatine's kingdom. This day we celebrate a truce. Most of you from the Palpatine Kingdom had suffered but not anymore. We are one nation now. A nation where we will be at peace, new laws. And a health place to leave in. All who are homeless will have a home, all who are sick will have health. And all who are suffering will have closure, we all be at peace and we will all be in a home, and we are willing to do everything to protect everyone, thank you" Leia has announced.

Soon everyone started to clap and whistle. This was in Palpatine Kingdoms. Many people have decided to move to Naboo for a better home while they rebuild the Palpatine kingdom to something more stable. That was one of Rey ideas. The only home in all of Palpatine kingdom was the castle and she found it unfair. But all of her dreams of fixing her kingdom is coming true.


"I still can't believe he is gone," Kira says looking at the grave her husband was buried in. Rey walks toward her mother and puts her head on her shoulder. Kira grabs a hold of her daughter's hand and smiles at her. "It will be ok Mom. He would have wanted us to be safe, it's wasn't his feet or Palpatine, it was mine I should have never done what I did...", Kira didn't let Rey finish," Rey listen don't ever say that again it's not your fault and look around we are at peace this kingdom is fixing all because of what you did. You may have broken the law but if you haven't then what would have happened. You wouldn't have had Ayliah, or married Ben, or made peace the only that is to plan is Palpatine" Kira says.

Rey closes her eyes and sniffles, "I miss dad so much, I miss him." Kira pulls Rey to her chest and lets a tear out of her eye. "I do too, but Rey you have to understand this happens. And for your child and for your mother be strong". Rey nods and wipes her tears away. "I will mom I promise". They both hug each other, never letting go for a long time.


Fiver years later.

Rey laid her bed peacefully until Ben came out of nowhere and jump on top of her. "Ow," she yelled. Ben chuckles and Rey turns around and pin him down. "I like where this is going," he says. Rey chuckles and leans down to kiss him.

He slowly smooths his hand against her thigh before he starts to push up her dress. But Rey pulled away. "What happens," he asked. Rey shakes her head. "Nothing," she says. Ben sighs and shakes his head.

"No, no that's not it, you seem really weird, " he says. "Why do you say that," Rey asked. "You haven't been eating as you love eating," he says. Rey chuckles. Rey nods. "Yes, actually there something I wanted to ask you," Rey says. She sat up and look at her love.

"What would you say if I was with child," she asked. Ben's eyes open wide he sat up and stared at his wife. "You," he asked. Rey nods and puts a hand on her belly. "I'm pregnant," she says. Ben smiles and puts his hand on her belly staring at it. Then he leans to kiss Rey lips and chuckles.

"This is mine, my baby, Ayliah sibling right," he asked. Rey nods "yes, yes the baby is yours, the baby is ours," Rey said. Ben sighs and wraps his arm around Rey pulling her closer to him. "Well sweetheart, let's show this baby how much we love em," Ben says.

Rey chuckles and gets thrown to the bed and lets Ben take care of the rest. She was pregnant, pregnant with his child once again. But she was ready to be a mother to another child who is lucky to have Ben as a father.


Ayliah was five years old and she learning to speak different languages, dance, and play instruments. And no doubt that she is absolutely beautiful. She has such character and had much of her mother's personality.

She was very independent but her parents would show so much love that she wishes they could love her less but even with the new baby arriving they show so much more love than before. And more now that her baby brother was born.

Nine months since Rey pregnancy was announced and here he is. A prince. Ayliah was now six and she was a handsome brother. He was very cute and had more of his father's features. Rey chuckles as she stared down at her boy and gently smooth her thumb against his cheek.

"Ayliah comes to get a closer look at your brother," Rey said. Ayliah smiles and went towards her father. Ben help her on his leg to see her brother. "He is cute," Ayliah said. They all chuckle. "He is," Rey says. "Mother have you thought of names for him," Ayliah asked. Rey looks at Ben and nod.

"We have a couple but we weren't going to decide without you," Ben says. "Well thank you for thinking of me," she said. Ayliah had an accent like her mother but when she gets mad she would speak without an accent, which everyone thought was cute. And it was.

"What are the names," she asked. "We have Chad", "no" Ayliah quickly responded, " ok Josh", "I respectfully disagree," she says. They all chuckle. "Ok how about Christian," Ben asked. Ayliah nods, " now that's a good one, hi Christian".

Rey chuckles and lays her head on Ben's shoulder. Ben leans to kiss Rey forehead and then Ayliah. "I guess I finally have a prince now," Ben says. "You do," Rey says.

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