Chapter 28

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Ben laid still on the ground staring at Rey's kyber crystal necklace. He missed her already. He wanted to go back to her, to see her, to feel her. All he could have done back in her room.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming their way. Ben turns and hides behind the tree. Trying to look at what was that noise. Then he saw a small figure standing, looking around holding a basket. But once she pulled her hoof off, it was none other than Kira.

Ben sighs and comes out of his hiding place. Kira gasps when Ben came out of his place. "I'm sorry, what are you doing here mom". Kira walks closer to Ben and hands him a letter. "Before I left I went to check on Rey,  and she wrote you this, she wanted me to give it to you son".

Ben stares as Kira pulls the letter out and he smiled grabbing the letter gently. He looks back up at Kira with a big grin before he kisses the letter and opens it. Kirs smiles, happy that he was happy but she knew it wouldn't last for long. Ben sat down on the ground as he started to read through the letter.

Dear Ben,

My love, my prince it's Rey, I just wanted to thank you for last night. Thank you for everything, but they're always something that comes in between us. My father has set me up to marry Armitage Hux tomorrow morning. Ben, If I do get married just know that I will never love another man that is not you, you are the only one for me. And if I don't see you again, at least you know how much I love you. That this letter and that necklace could remind you of me, and I have your ring and poncho to remember you, but please don't forget me, even without these things I will always remember you, goodbye my love. 


Ben looks up and walks to Kira with tears forming in his eyes. He shakes his head. "It's not true, it can't be, Rey would never marry a fool like Hux," Ben says. Kira nods. "I agree, but her father is making her, as punishment and I don't like the boy, I know he will hurt her, and I won't allow it, that why I was looking for you, to help me get Rey out of that castle before the wedding," Kira says.

Ben stares down at the paper. "I think it's time to do what I and Rey plan to do, escape, " Ben says. Kira nods. "Though it means I will never see her again, I need her to be safe, and I trust you, please get my daughter away from here," Kira asks. Ben nods and puts the letter away.

"What could I do," Ben asked. Ben walks around thinking about what he needed to do. How he could get to his wife. But he got an idea. Turning to face Kira he nods. "I have a plan, but it has to be done tonight, no later than that" Ben says. Kira nods. "Tell me, I do whatever I can".

"Thank you, but first I need a paper and pen, I need to write something," Ben says. Kira hands him a piece of paper and a pen, and he writes his feelings away.


Dear Rey,

Rey. I am sorry, with everything that going to happen I wish I could stop. And I hope that it does. I have a plan, a way to get you out of the castle, a way to ride away together. Listen to me, tonight we run, your mother is going to lead you out of the house, and I will be waiting outside, we will leave and be long gone before sunrise, I hope. Rey, I love you, and whatever happens, just know I love you. 


Rey looks up at her mother and nods. "I'm ready". Kira nods " your ready okay let's go". Rey puts on her hood and walks out of her room with her mother.

"Don't make a sound, it's very easy to hear everything at this time of night?" Kira says. Walking to the stairs case, they start to head down fast. "Careful sweetie". They ran their way to the bottom without looking to see if anyone was there. Rey was just excited to see her Ben. Finally, making it down the stairs Kira opens the door and looks to see if Ben was there.

He was. Kira let Rey walk out and she ran towards Ben. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Rey sighs against his warm chest before she leaned up to kiss his lips. Ben melted into her kiss pulling her closer and holding her harder.

Kira was looking away at that moment, she loved her daughter but she wouldn't want to see her daughter making out with someone. Rey and Ben started to whisper to each other asking if they were okay before they got interrupted" have you need to leave now, it not that safe if you stay longer" Kira says.

Rey nods and walks to her mother. Embracing her with a strong hug she sighs and closes her eyes. "Goodbye mom, thank you for everything," Rey said. Kira nods against her shoulder. "I do anything for you, Rey, take care, please be happy, and if you need anything just send someone and I'm here".

Rey pulled away from her hug and Kira kissed Rey forehead one last time before Rey walked to Ben. "Thank you," he says. Kira nods "just take care of her, please let no harm come to her". Ben nods " I promise". Kira watches as Ben gets on his horse and extends his hand for Rey. Grabbing it he pulls Rey and she got on top of the horse.

And then the horse ride away, with Rey holding on to Ben's waist, she looks back at her mom until she was gone from her view.

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