Chapter 32

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A week has passed since Maz let Ben and Rey stay. And they haven't seen each other, which killed the couple. Ben just wanted to see his wife, and also talk to his child who is living inside his wife's womb.

But Ben foot healed and he could wake, jump, run, anything a person could name. He got all his strength. And Rey she could walk and run, but its just there some cuts that are still healing. But nothing was going to stop both of them from seeing each other. Throughout the week, Rey would write in her journal, personal feelings and all. She just needed a place to express her feelings, since she didn't have Ben.

But no she was waiting by the lake of Takodona. Walking back and forth she waited for her husband to came. Resting her hand on her belly. Ben was close by he was looking around the place when he found his love. He smiles and watched as Rey turns to face him. Ben started to run towards Rey and wrapped his arms around her.

Rey buried her head in his neck and huge him tighter. She could feel Ben's hands going deep into her hair and a few kisses on her shoulder. "I missed you," Rey said. Ben pulled away from Rey and looked into her eyes "I missed you too" he said. Rey smiles and they both smashed their lips together.

Moving their lips in sync, they pulled each other closer and tried to breathe as much as they could. Once they pulled away from each other, Ben puts his hand on Rey's cheeks. "Your pregnant" Ben asked. Rey chuckles and nods "yeah I am, I'm pregnant". Rey stares at Ben as he goes down to his knees and kisses her belly. Rey giggles and pulls with Ben's hair.


"How about Emma if its a girl and Mathew for a boy," Ben says to Rey. "Not bad, but not good enough," Rey says. Ben chuckles and leans downs to kiss her lips. Once he pulls away, Rey looks up into Ben's eyes and she grabs his hand and places it on her belly.

"Whatever the sex is we both are going to love this baby," Ben says. Rey nods. Looking down at his hands, she puts her hand on top and creases her thumb against his skin. "This room his nice right, Maz really got us a nice stay in," Ben said. Rey sighs agreeing to what he said: "but boy is she noisy, no offense I like the women but damn".

Rey pulled the blanket more above her chest, not tying to expose her breast. Ben bites his lips and leans down to kiss her belly. Rey smiles but realizes that something was bothering him."Ben, what's in your mind"? Ben looks up at Rey and he lays down on his back pulling Rey closer to him.

"Rey, don't get mad please but do you ever wonder what would happen if we go back to our families, and try to make them accept our love, that we are having a family now," Ben said. Rey simply shakes her head. "Why would I, I have you by my side and that's all I need," Rey says.

Ben nods, "I know, but I always wanted to give my parents grandchildren, and that we are having a baby, I feel guilty that they will never meet their child," Ben says. Rey crawls up to Ben and faces down at him "Ben they are going to be this child grandparent regardless, it doesn't mean we must let them meet, I mean I would love that to happen, but we can't, but know that they will always love you" Rey says.

Ben smiles and kisses Rey. "That's why I love you," he says. Laying her back down on her back. "Prove it, make love to me again," Rey said. Ben nods and got ready to go into her until they hear "I see why you guys are going to last". Ben looks to the side and finds Maz standing them. He goes on top of Rey covering her body.

"Jesus Maz, you have to interrupt," Ben asks. "Well I just wanted to check on Rey to see how she feeling, I could see she doing quite fine," She says. Rey smiles and grabs a pillow to cover her and Bens' body. "Well we are doing fine as you said so are you going to leave," Rey asked. "Not yet I want to leave these clothing and blankets for you, there is more clothing in the cabinets but I got more if you wanted more," She says.

"Thank you Maz," Rey says. "I'm going to leave now and if there anything you need I'm always here, especially you Rey, not only do you need to take care of the baby but yourself, that means doctor checks and you have to eat double for now on," Maz says.

"I will, thank you again," Rey says. Maz turns and walks out of the room. Once she left Rey chuckles and gets busy with Ben.


Leia was going through a few photos of Ben when he was a child. Drawings that were made when he was born. It was drawn by her brother Luke.

"Leia, stop looking at those, it's going to make you're upset," Han says walking into the room. Leia shakes her head and wipes her tears, "no, my son is out there somewhere and I don't know where I have to know if he is okay".

Han walks over to Leia sitting in the chair in front of her. Gently grabbing her hand he creases his thumb against her skin. "Leia we got a letter from the Palpatines Kingdom, it says that Rey escaped the other week, " he says.

Leia looks up and gasps. "Chances are that both of them are together," Han said. Leia sighs and bites her lips. "Look, if they are together they probably okay, but no one knows where they are," Han says.  Looking away from him, Leia got up and walked towards the window, "we need to find them".

She turns to face Han. " and when we do, Han I promise I will be on their side, no matter what you say, because they are my children". Then Leia leaves leaving Han solo.

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