Chapter 43

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Dan watched as blood spilled. Bodies dropped. Lives were taken. Dan watched in horror as he walked towards his own father. The man who raised him. Who failed to turn him into a murder or evil.

Dan was different in every way from his father. He was proud that he never turn to him. But tonight was the night he will confront him. Knowing he will die. Knowing he will never see his family again. It crushed his heart knowing that his father could kill him. He knew since he was young. Just one second of a look he gives to his father he thinks it's the end for him.

But he wasn't like his father. He was his own man and he wouldn't kill his family. But his father, Palpatine, Dan never consider him as family. When a soldier was walking by Dan turn around and blended with the tree so the soldier just left. Dan sighs and turns around to find his father staring at him.

"I taught you well but not well enough," he said. Dan stares at him with fear and was ready to speak until his father interrupted him. "I taught you to sneak around but I never taught you to not love," he said.

"All that cold harder heart went away when you met Kira, and it really went away when you had Rey and now look at you all the evil left for a bastard child," Palpatine said.

"That child has a name, and she no bastard not to me, not to Rey or to Ben or to Kira or to anybody but perhaps you, you see her as a threat. I see her as a blessing" Dan says. Palpatine chuckles, "why will a baby be a threat she is young and easy to kill,".

"Kill, she is your blood, your granddaughter, and you are willing to kill her just to win this land. You are willing to destroy your whole family to get what you want" he says. "Yes, and let me told you something. I started with your mother" he said.

Dan eyes open wide and walked back a little." You killed my mother, how... how could you. She was all that I had" Dan yelled. " and she was weak and kind with a warm heart, and she cared so much but I wasn't going to let my son grow into that but I guess I failed cuz look at you. You are crying, in love with a gold digger Kira, loving you whore like daughter, and loving a bastard child and that's what you are trying to save".

"Kira is not a gold digger, she had a sad life and I'm willing to give her everything to give her chance because I know she loves me and I love her too. The only person who ever asked me if I was happy. She gave me a daughter, and she is not a whore or a slut, my daughter is an amazing young woman, did she commit a mistake, yes, but did she pay for it. Look around she loves her kingdom and she watching it get destroyed because of you, she sacred that her child will get hurt by my grandchild and your blood. And that baby is not bastard, the baby she, she is an angel, a beautiful baby that is going to be raised by people who love her, parents who love her, she has a chance to be love not like me, and she will be the queen to both kingdoms and she will be amazing not like you, you are going to fail just like you did with your family" Dan says.

"Dan, you have no idea what I'm willing to do to stay in power. I will rule the world I will create an empire that no one will forget about. A kingdom that won't be left of our history book" he said. Palpatine got closer to his son and put his hand on his cheek. "But At what cost" Dan says. He knew it was about to be the end of him at that moment. And he was not wrong, he felt a sharp pain go through his side. He groans and goes down on his knee. Palpatine goes against his ear and says "everything".

Palpatine pushes his son to the ground and he lays dead on the ground. "All of that for a bunch of bastards," he says. Palpatine turns around and he feels his throat cut open. He gasps and sees Kira with a knife in her hand. She was sweating, crying, and tired. Looking at Palpatine with hate she watches as the men suffered to breathe covering his neck with his hand trying to prevent blood from coming out.

"That's nasty," Poe says behind her. Kira turns to look up and she trembles. She walks to Dan and checks his pulse. But it was no need. His eyes were open wide without moving a bit. She sobs against his chest lays herself on top of him. She stood there for a while until she sat up and closes his eyes. She leans to kiss his forehead and holds him until someone could take him away from her. But she knew she will never love anyone besides him.

Hard To Get Rid Of (Reylo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें