Chapter 12

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Rey was looking through a book in the castle library. It was a book written many years ago but it seems to interest her a lot. The sun sad shining through the window making Rey skin glow.

Ready to head back to her room with the book she stops her tracks when Ben appears. She gasps a little scared. "Sorry," he says. Rey smiles "it's okay". Ben looks around before he leans down to kiss Rey. Rey just melts to his lips and lets him take control of her.

A few seconds later he pulls away from her lips and puts his hand on the side of her neck. "How was your morning, " he asked. Rey chuckles "great thanks to you," she says. Ben grins. "Your welcome". Using his thumb he caressed the side of her cheek.

He then moved his eyes to start down at her hand " what is that book you got" he asked. Rey stares down and brings the book to her chest. "Oh, it's just something I found on the self, it seems pretty good". She looks back up at him and hears footsteps. The quickly let go of each other and go far away from each quietly.

As the group passes by Ben walks closer to the front of the aisle and watches them bead further away. Rey already heading toward him he turns around and nods. "That was close," she says. He nods. He looks down at her book and takes it away from her. She gives him a confused look. "Come with me," he says. He grabs a hold of her hand and pulls her with him.

Rey follows him until they see more people and he let's go of her hand. "Just walk casually," he says. Rey nods and walks ahead of him heading out the room towards the hallway. Once she was gone Ben followed and found her at the door of the stairs. Heading down the made it to the door that leads outside the castle. Opening it, they went up a few steps and took a long walk.

Finally making it to Ben's secret room they went inside and closed the door behind them with lock. Rey chuckles and turns to face him "why are we here," she asked. He pulls the book up "to read". Rey raised her eyebrow and nods " okay" she says sarcastically, "let's get to it then ".

Ben watches as Rey sits down on the couch they made love the other day. Remembering how she felt and tasted just made him want to do it again. But he did mean what he said about reading the book. Walking towards Rey he sits down and lays his legs on the couch, then pulls Rey on top of him. Rey rested her head on his chest and he opens the book.

"It was the last time, last time Sofia thought she was going to see Tom, but it wasn't, he was there right in front of her. Suddenly, her feelings seem to come back. The way she loved Tom, it was unconditional love. They were just kids back then but nothing could change the way they feel about each other. Tom couldn't believe his eyes. How Sofia had grown. So beautiful. He forgot what was a beauty, and now after seeing Sofia, he remembers".

Rey listens to Ben as he read through the book. But she was also listening to his heartbeat. As she rested her head on his chest before, it was comfortable. Looking into space she just relaxes to the words that came out of his mouth. As he read, Rey felt something in her heart. A feeling. Rey realized what it was. A sort of love.

As he read he looked back down at Rey to see what she was doing even though she was completely still. But to make sure he would kiss her forehead. And he would feel her smile against his chest. Ben wanted her bad though. He wanted to make love to her again, in that room. But he kept reading. But they were done waiting.

Finally, she lifted her head off his chest and he stops reading look at her. Slowly Rey leans down to his lips and kissed him. Ben closes the book and drips it to the floor sitting up to grab a hold of Rey. Rey starts to travel her hand to his pants and unbutton it, and he helps her pulled it down. Shortly after Rey went to her knees and lifts her dress up and settled her self before she pushed herself down fully on his cock.

Biting down on her lip she slowly tried to get used to his size in her. And when she did, she lifted herself up and push herself back down. Ben moans as Rey pushed herself back down, as she started to kiss his neck and pull with his hair with her fingers.

Pulling her closer Ben moved his hands to breast squeezing them with the fabric. Rey pulled away from his neck not thrusting on him as she pulled the sleeves off her arm and let out her breast for Ben. He quickly placed his mouth on her small breast and Rey kept jumping, making it difficult for been to keep his mouth on her breast.

Rey bites her lips and moans when Ben starts to push up. Causing Rey to get closer to the climax when they slam against each other. Ben pulls away from Rey's breast and they both smash their lip against each other, not caring how sloppy it was. Then they came. Both of them.

Ben pulls away from her lips and Rey leans her forehead down on his and they both try to catch their breaths. Rey lifts herself off him and sat on his lap. Then Ben leans her down on her back and started to unbutton her dress from behind. Pulling it down her legs leaving her completely naked.

Ben pulls away all of his clothing after a few seconds and goes over Rey's body completely naked as well. Both of them looked at each other in silence. Lost in each other eyes, somehow they felt safe and that nothing could stop them from feeling the way they had started to feel.

And it was at that moment Rey realized what was happening. She had to fall in love with the man. Her prince. Her Ben. Just by those eyes of him. She got the answer she has been looking for. Rey's lips pulled apart when she realized, her eyes open wide and couldn't look away from his.

Ben rubs Rey cheek with his thumb and lowers his lower body down. Rey wraps her legs around his waist and he leans down to kiss her lips before entering her once again. Pushing himself in than out Rey wrapped her arm around the back of his neck and called around with his hair. Some of his hair falling in front of his face.

Ben caressed her leg, smoothing her leg up and down as he used his other arm to hold himself over Rey. Ben wasn't going to go any faster. He was going slow. Just to take it all in. To be with her longer. Slowly pulling himself out of her and reentering her.

Then he stops, he was still in her but he pulls away from her lips and looks down. Rey opens her eyes and stares at him, "Ben... I lo-'I know'". Rey smiles and watches as Ben starts to chuckle, giving her a beautiful smile of his before he leans back down and kisses her again, pulling out and back in.

Rey loved Ben and he knew. But he loved Rey too.

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