Chapter 24

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Rey laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. Looking at the drawings that were painted on the ceiling when she was small. A week. A week since she last saw Ben. Her love. It was unbelievable how time goes by. Unbelievable how fast a week could go. But for Rey, it felt like a lifetime.

She missed the way Ben would crease her. Whisper things to her in the dark. Say loving things. How he would surprise her with flowers. Roses, daisies, sunflowers, lilies. All of them. She missed Ben. Her Ben. Her love. Her husband.

Getting off her bed she walks to her desk and sits down on the chair and grabs an empty book. Grabbing her pen she opens the book. It was dark in the room so she turned on a candle. Looking down at her book she started to press the pen on writing down how she felt.

Dear Diary,

The first time I'm going to write here. To explain my love for Ben. Ben Skywalker Organa Solo. My prince. My love. My husband. He is everything for me. No one will see this dairy, I hope, just for me but if anyone finds this, at least someone would know how I feel for this man. How I love him. I know Ben loves me. Just by the look in his eyes.

A week passed since our parents sound about us. About our affair, but nothing is going to change what I feel. What I and Ben did back in Naboo is unforgivable. We should have never had sex, continued to, gotten secretly married, planned to escape but I will be lying if I said I regret doing it all. Cause I don't. I don't regret any of it. Because I love Ben unconditional.

Ben thought me so much. I love the way he would play with kids, love the way he knows what I want even when I don't know myself. How incredibly smart he is. How handsome he is. And he is ten years older than me. But he loves me and I love him. My heart is only for him. My love Ben. My Ben. Ben.

Rey starts to burst into tears and she closes the book. How she wished she could see him. A week. A week. That too long for her. It was driving her insane and only wanted Ben. She just wanted to see him even if it was just an inch, that's all she needs to be calm. She just wanted him.


Ben looked down at his food not daring to touch it, not daring to focus on the hunger he felt. He hasn't been eating at all, and it worried his parents.

Sometimes they needed to force Ben to eat, but they didn't want to hurt him. Other times Han would lose his temper and would stuff the food into his mouth. But it would make Ben even angrier. He wanted Rey. Only Rey could be the one who made him eat. He remembered when they would sneak out and have a picnic Rey would feed him. He missed those days.


"Open Up," Rey says holding a fork in her hand. Ben laughs and ups his mouth so Rey could enter the fork in his mouth, pulling it put after he took a bite of the cake she made. "It's so good," he says. Rey smiles and leans in making Ben grab a hold of her.

The next thing he knew Rey slide her fingers against his cheeks with wipe cream. Rey laughs and watches Ben's funny reaction. "Come here," he says, grabbing Rey and kissed her lips, moving his face across her to dirty her with the wiped cream.  Laying her down on the blanket Ben leaned down to kiss Rey once again before be he started to in zipping his pants, pulling his cock out and lifted Rey dress up her legs, entering her.

FlashBack Over

Those days were the happiest moment in his life. He missed Rey and would go to the end of the world to find her. All he needed to do was find a way to leave that room so he could get to her. But he got an idea, it was noon, his mother said the messenger will send a letter to Palpatine kingdom. Looking down at his tray he got up and pulled the tray with him.

Putting his ear against the door be heard footsteps coming by. Rising the test over his head he slams it to the ground, making the glass cup break into the piece, letting the orange juice with his floor, the food getting the place dirty. But it was loud enough to make the people outside his room hear.

Then he heard the door open and he quickly slammed the door to the guard's head and ran out of the room. Running out of the same room he has been for a week. He ran. And made it in time. He slowly made his way to the door looking back if the guards were behind him.

Running to the messenger he pats his shoulder. "What". He asked. Ben stared at him for a while before he snatched his brown robe off him, throwing the poor boy to the ground and gets on the horse riding away from his castle. By the time the guards came out, Ben was long gone. Riding to see his love. No matter what the cost was

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