Chapter 35

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"Listen to me, your already seven months, the baby is more formed but could easily get harmed, so you have to be careful, Ben that's your responsibility, Rey yours is to maintain your health," Maz says starting at the couple.

Rey nods and turns to face Ben. Rey was wearing oversized pants and a long shirt, with boots. It wasn't those silk and long dresses she usually wears. Rey just wanted to protect he baby. Ben helps Rey pitting own a coat that was fur and it would keep her warm hopefully through the whole journey.

Ben grabs the bags with the belongings and Rey grabs her before Maz leads their way out of the bunker. Heading towards the stairs, Ben helped Rey head up making sure she didn't trip. Maz opens the door and checked before they headed out of the bunker.

Maz then leads them to the stables, where they kept all their horses. Instead of killing them, they save them during the winter so it could last longer for every villager. Rey felt a cold sensation inter her body. Her nose was red and her skin was pale. Very pale.

But she still looked very beautiful, even with the seven-month pregnant belly. Watching as Ben went on the horse he extended his arm for Rey and she grabs it and he lifted her up on top of the horse to sit own. Ben looks back at Rey and nods. "I'm ready," she says.

Ben kisses her lips before they both turn to face Maz. "Thank you, Maz we owe you everything," Ben says. Maz nods and watches as the couple ride away. Soon they were gone and after they were the soldiers. After hearing that they spotted the Princess heading south, they left the village.


Leia walked back and forth waiting for news. Did they find her son? Did they find Rey? All those questions filled his mind. Her worries grew more and her anxiety grew bigger.

She wouldn't even drink her tea which worried her husband. Leia doesn't go a day without drinking her tea. Walking into Leia as she sat on her desk praying, he waited till she was finished before being walked towards her.

"Please protect our children, help them make good choices, their life is on your hand, please protect our children," she says. Turning to face Han she got up from her chair and walks toward him. "What are you doing here," Leia asked. Han sighs and walks closer to her.

"You were right, they headed to Ach-To" Han says. Leia looks at him confused and walks around her desk heading toward him. "They're going to Luke, soldiers from the Palpatines Kingdom spotted the princess heading south, Ach-To is south," Han says.

Leia bites the inside of her lips and stares at Han waiting for him to finish. "They are going to your bother," he says. Leia sighs and sits down. Han walks to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "My love, they will be fine I promise," he says. Leia nods and tried to contain the tears that were about to fall from her eyes.


Rey watched as Ben made them a fire to warm them up. She was drinking the tea Been made for her but now it was cold. Cuddling to the blanket Ben offered her, she rubbed her nose and felt his cold it was. The tip of her nose was red. It hurt her to even breathe through her nose.

Ben watched as Rey shivered in the blanket and he let the fire go on for itself self throwing one more piece of wood. Kneeling down he put his hand on her cheek and made her look at him. "Hi, do you need something," Ben asked. Rey shooked her head. "Maybe warmth but that fire isn't going to do anything" Rey answers.

Ben chuckles and lets out a breath. "Just relax okay I'm right here, how's the baby," he asked. Rey looked up at him. "The baby fine I hope, really hope, " she says. Ben grabs a hold of her hand and kisses it. "Just relax sweetheart," he says. Rey smiles fade as she started to cough uncontrollably.

Ben gets up and picks Rey up walking towards the fire so she could get warmth. "It's okay, it's okay I'm here," he said. He leans down to kiss her forehead before he grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around their bodies.

Rey laid her head against Ben's chest, feeling safe and somewhat warm. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but failed. Sighing against Ben's chest, she looked to at him and shaped him. "Hmm". "Ben will we make it to Ach-To," she says.

Ben was afraid to answer. Just thinking about the question made the man's heart shattered. But still that little hope he still held, he hoped at least that their child would make it. They both did.

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