Chapter 14

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Rose was running through the hallways of the castle trying to get to Rey. "Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm late" she yells as she passed through people who were walking.

Finally, making it to Rey's room, she walks in and catches her breath. Rey gives her a confused look. "Rose honey are you okay". Rose nods. " just a moment, and a cup of water," she says. Rey nods and turns to pour her a cup of water hands it to her.

Drinking it, Rose finally calms her down and gets up. "Alright, did you take your shower," Rose asked. Rey nods. "So did it its time to let me do your hair," she says walking to Rey. Rey laughs and lets her do what she needs to do. Slowly braiding some of her hair she pulls them together and lets the rest of her hair down. Grabbing the comb she brushes it and after a while, it turns wavy.

"Alright I'm done let's eat breakfast," Rose says.


"So your parents haven't come back yet," Rose asked. Rey shakes her head. "Nope, there was a problem with finding the documents also the carriage broke down so they have to wait. Rose chuckles and drinks her juice. Putting it back down she turns to face Rey.

"At least you get to spend more time with your Prince," she says. Rey grins "I know". Rose grins with her and they continue to eat their food until Ben walks into the room with Poe and Finn. "Seems the girls had an early start," Poe says.

Ben sat across from Rey they both smile at each other before he starts to eat. Finn in the other hand didn't want to eat, he wanted to speak to Rose. And he wasn't going to let her reject him. "Rose, could we talk". Rose looks at Finn, then at her friends. Rey nods and Rose puts down her fork, getting up and walks toward Finn.

Leaving the room Rey turns to face Poe and Ben " what is he going to do". "Just talk, don't worry he would never harm anyone especially a lady," Poe says. Rey nods and continues to enjoy her breakfast.


Finn and Rose were walking around the outside of the palace. Trying to enjoy the beautiful morning of the fine kingdom. "How is your morning so far," Finn asked. "It was fine, could be better but I don't know how that's possible," she says. Finn raised an eyebrow "I don't know maybe by having a conversation with a guy named Finn".

Rose giggles and Finn joins along. "Yeah that made it better," Rose says. They kept on walking without saying a word to each other for a few more seconds until Finn had enough. Pulling her to face him, he gently puts a hand on Rose cheek and she relaxes to his touch.

"Rose listen, I have something to tell you, and I know you don't want to hear this from anyone but you won't let say it, but now I'm just going to say it, Rose Tico, I am falling for you," he says. Rose states at him and shakes her head "no, please Finn don't do this to me" Rose says getting away from his hold.

Finn follows her as she walks away. "Rose listen to me I could make you feel like a princess, I know I could make you happy". "And we are breaking the law, Rey and Ben are wild people but not me, ". She stops and turns to face Finn. "But I also have someone back at home, ".

Finn shakes his head " you have someone who takes advantage of you". Rose eyes open wide and her face turn red. "Rey told you didn't she". Finn groans feeling guilty for forgetting his promise but he could never lie to Rose even if it meant hurting his friend.

"Rey cares about you, I do too, let me help you," he says. Rose rolls her eyes and keeps walking. Finally, they made it to the front of the castle ready to head back inside. "Rose please listen to me I love you, please I don't want you to be hurt".

" I already have someone, and I don't need protection, I just need to support," Rose says. She wiped away her tears that were streaming down her cheek. Finn tries to wipe them away with his thumb but Rose takes a step back.

Then she hears a voice she thought she was never going to hear in a while. "Seems like you made a friend". Turning around she sees Hux standing there. Rose feels something burn deep in her stomach and stares at Hux so with disbelief that he was here.

"Are you going to give me a hug or something, a kiss?" he asked. Rose chuckled a little before walking to Hux. He pulls her to a hug before he kisses her on the lip. Finn watched as the redheaded men started to touch her breast and whisper things into her ear.

He could tell the girl was shaking. You could see how afraid she was just walking towards him. Hux pulls away from her ear and looks at Finn still standing there. "I'm sorry, did you want to introduce your self of something," he asked.

Finn turns to look at Rose and watches as she shakes her head. "No, but it was nice meeting you...' Hux'... Okay, nice meeting you Hux'". Before he walks inside the castle worried leaving Rose behind.

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