Chapter 25

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"It's true my queen prince Ben escape his quarters and he stole the messenger horse, though the messenger says he alright he did get treated for getting a cut kn his arm," The guard said to Leia.

Leia could hear a hiss coming out of Han's mouth. "Thank you, you may retreat," Leia says to the young guard. He bows before he walks away from his lady exiting his room. Then it was just Leia and Han.

"This kid, this isn't my son we didn't raise him to be this way, to find a girl like eyes her a who probable has slept with many guys here not just our son," Han says. Leia scuffs and rolls her eyes "Han there nothing wrong with the girl, Han, she young, she ten years younger than Ben but she knows how to be a lady when needed, Rey could have been a great queen for her kingdom, I've met the girl and I spoke to her, she is real as far as it gets" Leia says.

Han turns to face her in disbelief. "You're defending her," Han asked. Leia closes her eyes and sighs "it's not that I'm defending her, but I know a good person when I see it and Rey is a good person and if she wasn't a princess of the Palpatine Kingdom or Granddaughter of Palpatine, I will be so lucky to call her my daughter, I would be honored to have her in the family" Leia says.

Han laughs "don't you see, she is probably a fake, obviously Palpatine using her so she could seduce Ben into an affair and it could start a war, which in fact has started" Han days. Leia shakes her head "listen to me shit face, I believe in my son and I believe in his wife, Rey, because belief or not Han she is now our daughter and you have to believe in your children".

Han sighs and walks to the window. Leia stares at him as he walks away. "We are in a war, but our son is in love with the daughter of our enemies, and she in love with our son, could you at least imagine how he feels, trying to see the person he loves". Leia turns to walk out of the room, leaving Han alone but before she left " leave our son be, he'll be back, I know it and when he does he welcome back with open arms even if he brings his wife" Leia says then she was gone.


Ben rode into the kingdom of Palpatine full speed and what he saw scared his beautiful hair off. He looked as children played around with real actually swords kids as young as four. Ben saw how a husband pushed his wife down the stairs. That's something Ben would never do to Rey for sure, and he promised that.

But what scared him more was the massive arm that was around the corner training. And he questions himself if his arm really going to win against Palpatines arm. Getting his focus back to the road, he went straight to the castle and enter the gates.

Riding to the castle which had many guards around, he rode to the front and found Kira, Rey's mother standing out. Walking towards the horse, Ben got off, lucky he has his hood on but Kira wasn't stupid.

"Thank you for bringing this messenger, or should I say Ben right," she says. She smirks and turns around to face the guard. "Follow me and take your horse, I'm going to offer him tea, a storm coming tonight so he is going to be here for a while," she says to the guard. Kira starts to head to a corner where no guards are seen.

Grabbing a hold of the horse she turns to face Ben. He pulled his hood off his head and looks at her. "My daughter misses you, I can't stand seeing her down, she hasn't eaten, she refuses to leave her room, it's not that she can, her father locked her up, but I never saw her so down before and I can bear it, " Kira says.

Ben looks at her confused "what do you mean" Ben asked. Kira shuts her eyes "I let you see her but just this once, and I'm not letting anyone know" Kira says. The next thing she knew Ben grabbed a hold of her and spin her around, putting her back on the ground and kissed her cheek. "Thank you so much," he says. "Your welcome and don't do that again," Kira said.

"Done, I won't, where my love?" Ben asked. "I will tell you but first of all you look very slim," she says. He nods "my parents may have locked me up too but I escaped, I haven't eaten a full meal in a week, but I don't care where is Rey," Ben asked. Kira turned Ben to face at a door. "Up those stairs to the top, there the hall, two lefts and one right, the last door, in the end, is her room here is the key," Kira says.

Ben looks down at the key before he takes it and looks at his mother in law. "Thank you, Kira," He says. She smiles "I think it's mom now but don't tell my husband and don't get caught by anyone okay, here put this on it has our symbol be careful," Kira says.

Ben smiles "mom, how could I thank you," he asked. Kira grabs his hand "just make Rey happy for tonight, I miss her smile, so make this count". Ben nods and walks to the door heading to his loves room.

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