Chapter 18

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Rey wasn't in the mood when she worked up in the morning. For some reason, she felt like she was about to throw up.

That scent that went into her nose made her feel sick. No wonder because it was pickles. For some reason, she didn't like pickles. Opening get eyes she turned to where the smell came from. It was her father. With his pickle sandwich.

"Dad" she groans. "What," he asked with a mouth full of pickles and bread. "I hate that smell," she says. He shrugs his shoulder "I'm hungry and pickles are good for you". He says. Rey rolls her eyes and sits up.

"Good for you, not for me, you know why I hate pickles," Rey says. He nods and starts to chuckles. Rey gasp and folds her arms beneath her chest. "Sorry sweetheart, I just wanted to see if you're okay," he asked. Rey nods "Yeah, Queen Leia knows her stuff". He nods and leans to kiss Rey's forehead.

"I'm going to check on your mother, see you later," he says. Rey nods and watches him leave. After the door closed Rey sighs and looks around her room before throwing the blanket off her legs and got up. Walking towards a chair she grabs her robe and placed it on before she sat down on the chair with her legs crisscrossed over the sit.

Grabbing her box she pulled it to towards her and place it in front of her on the table. Lifting the top, she pulled out the necklace Ben gave to her and started at it. Closing her eyes she pulled the jewelry against her chest and sighs. Rey loved Ben. She did. Almost two weeks since she arrived in Naboo with her family.

Who knew she would fall in love with the prince who blood-related to her family's enemies. Pulling the necklace away from her chest and brings it to her lips and kissed it. Rey couldn't understand how fast she fell in love with Ben. And she wants to be with him. Thinking if she should go with Ben to Ach-To and leave everything else behind, forgetting about being Queen.

Leaving her family. What would they think of her? Also if they find out both of them left together, war will start. She knew that if she, her grandfather especially him, would start a war. Rey didn't know what to do. She loves her kingdom, her people, her family, she dreamed of being Queen. But she loves Ben with all her heart and wishes she could follow him. 

Rey closes her eyes and feels a wet drop going down her cheek. Sniffing a little and puts the necklace back in the box then she heard a knock on the door. Rey jumps a little and sees the door open. "Queen Leia". Rey got off the chair and was ready to curtsy but Leia stop her. " it's okay sweetie, you don't have to do that or call me Queen."

Rey nods and sighs "so what brings you here this morning Leia". Leia smiles and gently grabs a bold of Rey's arms. "I wanted to see you arm if it was okay after what happened yesterday". Rey raised an eyebrow and nods " oh um it's getting better, thanks to you, where did you know how to stitch a cut".

Leia smiles "are you willing to learn the whole story it's very long". Rey grabs a chair from the corner and pats the seat so Leia could sit. Leia chuckles and sits down on the chair. Rey also sits on the chair she was on before. Leia sighs and looks at the young girl.

" When I was young, I didn't know I was going to be Queen, the law states a man must be born to be able to be king, if not the princes shall marry a noble blood man, but my bother he didn't want to be king, he didn't see it as his place, at that time I was studying medicine and how to be a politic, I learn what I needed and when I finish studying they asked me to be queen, ".

" how long did you'd study for," Rey asked. Leis started to count with her fingers "about six years, I started when I was eighteen and ended when I was twenty-four, then they asked me to be Queen but of course, I had to marry noble blood". " and you married Han". She nods. "But he wasn't from noble blood". Leia nods.

"Han was a smuggler, but he saved me, and I was very young back then and he was too, not really he was ten years older than me, but I always thought age is just a number, my parents weren't pleased but they saw what I saw, I was allowed to marry him and became queen, had a son now he shall be king very soon".

Rey lets her eyes fall to the ground. "Does he want to be king"? Leia looks to the side " when he was younger, he would say I want to be king, it's my dream, as he got older he helped improve this kingdom and he told me that he has great plans but now, Ben seems different, when I bring up the word king he backs away, I know he changed his mind, but I don't know why, but it's like there something pulling him back".

Rey knows why. It was because of her. Ben wants to be with Rey now. She knew that Ben would give up anything for her even a whole kingdom just to be with her. Rey feels almost guilty. "Rey, do you know why," Leia asked. Rey looks up at Leia after turning away from her and shakes her head "I don't, I'm sorry".

Leia nods smilies at Rey. "You are going to be Queen, are you looking for a husband," Leia asked. Rey shakes her head "I don't need to marry to be queen, we had the law change after my great-great-aunt was abused by her husband". Leia nods. "I hope she was okay after, your aunt and I hope you are okay with your arm, alright honey," Leia said standing up.

Rey nods and smiles at her showing her adorable dimples "okay, thank you, Leia". Leia grabs a hold of Rey's hand and smoothes it's. "You are going to be a great queen I know that," she says. Rey smiles and lets her hand fall to her lap as Leia let's go of it and walks out of her room.

Rey looks away from the door, down to the ground and sighs. Closing her eyes Rey looks around and puts her hand on her forehead. Sighing really loud, she sits up and walks to her closet. She needed to do what's right. So she got dressed and walked to Ben's room.

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