A Letter

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Ah, I bet you're waiting for the part 2. Currently, I'm working on it. So to get you ready for the feels...
Dear Doctor,
I often wonder how's it going with you and your box. Every day I hope to hear the sound of the TARDIS, but it never comes. I suppose, ever since.. I might as well stop dreaming. I bet currently, you're traveling to some place with another companion, or enjoying Gallifrey and your people.

Maybe I should start talking about what is going on with my life. Still a teacher, have been. Danny... I lied to you about Danny. He sent someone else back, not himself. I let myself lie so you can enjoy Gallifrey. I hope you found everyone you cared about before. I'm still single, as usual. Angie is in college, finally taking things much more seriously. Artie on the other hand, is planning to be a scientist. He wants to be someone like you in a way, you're his role model now.

I suppose, it's funny. I'm writing a letter, even though I shouldn't even be wasting my time. You won't get this, you probably won't. I'm wasting my time, wasting what time I have left. I can't be like you Timelords, I can't regenerate.

I'll just finish it now. Doctor, I miss you. I miss you with all my heart. Also...

I love you. There, I said it. Well, wrote it. I can't erase it, it's written in pen and paper. I hope, just hope, you're life or regenerating and exploring will be a extraordinary time.

I know I had an fantastic time. You were a fantastic Doctor, both of you, Eleven and Twelve. I don't even know what regeneration you're on! But, whichever you are...

Thank You,

Clara Oswald.
And the Doctor got the letter from the TARDIS.

He didn't like it.

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