Exterminate! (Part 1)

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(Soo Amy is gonna be in some stories.... You know, little Amy?)

"Now, Amy, you stay here. We can't risk you regenerating at such an early age." The Doctor told his daughter, Amy.

"I know, don't run off and just stay in the TARDIS." Amy recited from memory, exactly how the Doctor always told her.

"Good, now let's go Doctor." Clara said, walking towards the door and opening it. Amy sighed as the two left, rolling her eyes. Today she was going to go out and do something, not just gonna stay in the TARDIS bored as ever. She crept slowly to the door and opened it, half surprised that the TARDIS didn't stop her, but went anyway. She saw her parents and a Dalek. The Doctor seemed to be trying to threaten it.

But behind Clara was another Dalek that neither of them noticed.

"Mum! Behind you!" Amy cried out while the Dalek raised it's gun thingy at Clara and screeched, "EXTERMINATE!"

The 7 year old girl stared as her own mother got exterminated. Clara emitted a scream before falling to the ground. The Doctor stared before looking back to the two Daleks, who were watching him.

"Why... Would... You... Exterminate... My... Own... Wife?!" He asked slowly and raised his sonic screwdriver at them. They didn't respond and the Doctor soniced them, causing the two to fall back and then crash into one another.

"Daddy!" Amy cried out, already next to their mother.

"Amy... Come on, let's go." The Doctor said, scooping her up.

"But Mummy!" She said as she tried to fight from her father's grip.

"I'm sorry Amy... But Mummy is gone now." Amy started to cry on his shoulder and he couldn't help but cry too.


Merry Christmas/Happy Thursday/Whatever you celebrate!

Feels on this chapter, yes I know. It was given to me by: @livster63

Any other prompts will be done in the meantime.

Have a nice day/Christmas! Allons-y! :)

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