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For this story, please assume that all characters are speaking Japanese as the setting is in Tokyo.

"Oh my god did you hear about that one student who committed suicide?"

"Ya! Oh my gosh, she jumped off the school roof right?"

"I heard from people it's because she's a prostitute and she got pregnant."

"What a shame....what was her name again?"

"Uhh I'm not sure did it start with an N?"

"No I think it started with an R."

"I also heard that someone pushed her."

"Are you stupid? There would be evidence of that by now."

"And what are you two young ladies talking about? Class is about to start."

"Ah! Sorry Ms. Sagittarius." They bowed with respect and then hurried off.

Sagittarius squinted and fiddled with the necklace in her hand. Her arms were firmly crossed as she scanned the crowd of students for anyone who wasn't on their way to class.

"Yooo this is the place where that girl died, take a pic quick!" A boy posed in front of dark looking stain on the cement and made a peace sign.

"Excuse me." Sagittarius cleared her throat.

"We were on our way to class." They stood straight and gulped.

"Give me your phone." She said sternly.

"But why?"


The boy handed over his phone and Sagittarius scrolled through his photos, deleting the one they just took.

"Don't you dare disrespect someone that died." She warned while handing back the phone.

"S-Sorry." They said and ran away.

The bell chimed and the halls emptied as students rushed into their classrooms.

"Hey where is our homeroom teacher?" Leo nudged Cancer who was half asleep.

"How should I know? He's late most of the time." Cancer yawned and laid his head down.

Leo pouted and twisted her hair while examining other classmates.

Homeroom was a mixed grade classroom so that meant there were 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. It was when general information about the events going on around school were announced and most of the time is used as a study period for last minute homework.

"Ah where are the twins? I wanna see them." A boy sighed dreamily.

And right on cue, seemingly from a drama or movie, the two twins walked in with majestic wind blown hair and all. A sparkly aura radiated around them. They were known to have the highest amount of followers on social media. Capricorn always had the best trends on in terms of clothes and is a master at giving people what they want.

She was the one everyone either wants to date or be friends with. Aries, on the other hand, who was just as popular as her sister had a whole group of guys that call her their sister and have sworn to protect her. She liked to wear more athletic clothes and has a tomboy vibe to her. She holds the title as Girl Crush because even girls want to date her.

"AHH THEY'RE HERE!" The boy jumped up from his chair and joined the people circling them.

Aries brushed them off and went to sit with her usual group of guy friends. She sat on the desk cooly and began chatting with them.

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