Reality Check

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Scorpio breathed heavily as she managed to quickly get out of the situation. She still couldn't believe what she heard. Aries...Aries was working for them?! Since when? Why? All these thoughts frantically ran through her head. She needed to let Sagittarius know immediately, or someone may get killed. Sagittarius hadn't come to school for the past few days and it concerned Scorpio.

Her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she hurriedly looked at it. She felt slightly better knowing it was Aquarius that had texted her.

Aquarius: Did you get home ok? You seemed to be in a rush.

She was touched by his genuine concern but was torn by wanting to tell the truth and acting like everything was ok. Of course, she ended up choosing the latter.

Scorpio: ya! Everything is fine! I just remembered an important errand I had to do.

Aquarius: oh ok! I just wanna thank you for looking after me. In all honesty, Gemini was more stressed than me :P

Scorpio chuckled softly and told him a simple 'no problem' and scrolled to Sagittarius' contact. Her finger hesitated pressing the call button. She had a sudden feeling of paranoia wash over her, she felt like someone might be watching so she went inside a café that had a lot of people to make the call.

Unfortunately, the call went directly to voicemail and she was prompted to leave a message.

"Uh hi Sagittarius? This is Scorpio. I have something urgent to discuss so please call me back as soon as possible."

She put her phone away and let out a grunt of frustration. She prayed that Sagittarius would show up tomorrow.


Leo skipped alongside Virgo, humming some random song that was stuck in her head.

"Were you always this peppy?"

"Mmm, I just ate the candy you bought me." She wobbled on her toes.

"Noted. You can't have too much sugar." He sighed.

"It's like taking care of a puppy. I have to play with you and tire you out to have some peace and quiet."

"Don't lie. You like having me around." Leo huffed.

"Fine. I won't lie. Yes, you do bring up my mood." He easily accepted her words which she found surprising. She was expecting some smart ass remark so she didn't know how to respond.

"Do you mean it?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Yes, you're very uplifting."

"Oh! How's your work going?" She referred to his work of being a temporary boyfriend to someone to make them happy.

At the mention of his work he got a bit nervous and avoided eye contact.

"What happened? Is someone being too clingy? Asking for money?" Leo noticed how uncomfortable he was.

"No...actually I quit." He admitted and brought a hand up to his reddening neck.

"Huh? Why?" She was a bit confused since it brought a lot of money in and he seemed to be enjoying it.

"I thought it might be a problem in the future." He said vaguely and shrugged.

Leo thought about those words for a second until she had a thought. Did he quit because it could pose as a problem for a future girlfriend?

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