Killing Me Softly

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Gemini sat in the cramped hospital chairs with a clipboard in his hand. He was filling out the discharge forms because Aquarius had no legal guardians to take him home. Once he signed the paper he took it to the front desk and the woman took it with a smile.

Aquarius came out of the room with crutches and looked as absent minded as normal. He looked much better but the usual spark in his eyes was diminished. The nurse led him over to Gemini and reminded him about some stuff.

"Try not to touch him unless you're changing the bandages, it's less likely he'll have a panic attack. Don't forget to come later next week for a check up."

Gemini nodded and bowed. Once the nurse left he was alone with Aquarius.

"How are you feeling?"

Aquarius shrugged and looked away. Gemini's remembered he was still unable to talk so communicating would remain just as difficult as when he could talk.

"Let's go." Gemini urged him to follow.

He struggled at first with his crutches but managed to keep up a pace and follow Gemini outside.

"I brought my car. I thought it would be better then getting in a taxi." Gemini didn't want Aquarius near any strangers for a while, for his own good.

Aquarius nodded and got into the passenger side quietly. Gemini got into the driver's seat and looked over at him. He seemed distant and just looked out the window, head propped up with his hand.

Without saying another word Gemini pulled out and drove towards his house. He was a little bit worried that Aquarius would now practically be living with him but there was no way he would send him back to his own house. He had already told his mom and she was more than willing to welcome him and help out.

He quickly pulled into his wide driveway and expertly parked the car in reverse.

"Here I'll open the door." Gemini quickly got down and rushed to the other side, opening the door.

Aquarius gave a small smile and got down, grabbing his crutches to support him. It was already pretty late as Gemini took the majority of the time sorting out discharge papers and talking with his mom about letting Aquarius stay. Gemini unlocked the door and let Aquarius enter first.

In a few seconds the sound of soft footsteps came rushing to the door. Gemini's mom appeared with a pained look when she saw Aquarius.

"Oh dear..." She sniffled

"You've had a hard time haven't you." She held in the urge to hug him because she knew the rules.

"I'll go cut up some fruit. He's gotten so skinny." She said and frantically moved toward the kitchen.

"Can you get up the stairs?" Gemini asked.

Aquarius nodded and took his time, one step after the other. It took quite sometime to get all the way up but Gemini was patient and let him take as long as he needed.

"Ok so this is your room." Gemini opened the door that was right next to his.

Aquarius walked in to take a look. It was fairly plain but still elegant. The bed was the same size as Gemini's and had fluffy sheets.

"Bathroom is there and I'll let you borrow my brother's clothes since you won't fit in mine." He pointed to a dresser full of clothes that his mother prepared.

Aquarius bit his lip looking unsure.

"Ok stay here I'll go freshen up and change my clothes." Gemini turned to leave but Aquarius caught the end of his sleeve, holding tightly.

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