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Sagittarius stirred from her sleep as the vibrations from her phone never seemed to stop. She wiggled out from under her husband, slightly shivering from losing his warmth. She picked up her phone and answered groggily.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Ms! Oh thank god you answered!!" Gemini's panicked voice shouted.

Sagittarius realized it was something serious and stepped out of the bedroom to stand in the dimly lit hallway.

"What happened?"

"Something really bad happened to Aquarius. You need to come right now!"

"W-what? What happened?"

"Please just come I'll send you the address."

The call was cut off. Sagittarius threw on jeans and a t-shirt, hurriedly grabbing the car keys. While she was getting in the car she made a call to Pisces. It took a while before he picked up but his lazy voice answered.

"Hello?" His voice deeper then usual due to being half asleep.

"Pisces? We seem to have an emergency. Come to address I send you." Sagittarius kept calm and spoke quickly.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it. No questions." She said and ended the call. She drove slightly faster then the speed limit as there were no cars on the road.

"He lives way out here?" She slowed down to look at her surroundings.

"Is that why he's always late?..."

Pisces could see the red and blue sirens in the distance and drove towards them. She parked a little bit far away and then walked the rest.

"Hello m'am. And you are?" The sheriff tipped his hat.

"Sagittarius. I'm a teacher at the school he goes to."

"I see. It looks like something really bad happened." He let her past the tape to look around.

"Please don't touch anything."

Sagittarius nodded and saw the other students standing together.

"What the hell happened here." She asked them.

Gemini looked solemn, not even meeting her eyes.

"It looks like there was forced entry. The glass inside was broken and there are signs of struggle." Virgo pointed at the gravel that looked out of place.

"He also seemed to be assaulted." Virgo turned on his phone flashlight and shone it against the gravel to reveal a blotch of blood.

"Shit." Sagittarius breathed out softly.

"Hey, hold on. Look." Cancer pointed at the ground. There was a large streak on the gravel followed by some more blood.

"I think he was dragged somewhere." Cancer concluded. Virgo nodded, agreeing with him.

"There are no lights around here so he couldn't have seen the intruder, perfect circumstances to break in." Sagittarius said.

"I'm here! What happened?!" Pisces rushed in and looked around.

"Aquarius is missing." Sagittarius briefed.

"What the- how?!"

"It looks like someone kidnapped him." She sighed.

"What if he's dead already?" Gemini clenched his hands together.

"Let's not think negatively." Cancer put a hand on his shoulder.

Raven's Eyes (A Zodiac Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu