Raven's Eyes

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Gemini received an anonymous text on his phone.

Come to the gym

"Well that's sketchy." Gemini raised an eyebrow.

He looked up and down the hallway, finding that it was eerily empty. He wasn't sure if he should reply to the text or not. Then he remembered the the club meeting was supposed to be in the gym.

"Hm, must be Ms. Sagittarius." He shrugged and made his way outside. When he was standing outside the door of the gymnasium he had a weird uneasy feeling in his stomach that made him take a step back. He looked down the hallway once more. Shouldn't there be people talking? It was a club meeting people are supposed to be talking. Suddenly the lights at the very end of the hallway turned off.

"Shit." Gemini was startled by the noise. He clutched his beret and gulped, hands slightly shaking.

Another set of lights turned off and this time is continued, faster and faster. Gemini gasped as he was in complete darkness now. He turned on his phone to emit some light and tried opening the gym door, only to find it locked.

"No no no." Gemini jiggled the doorknob repeatedly. His breath trembled and he took another step back, his back touched something firm and unmoving. When he slowly turned around he looked up and saw an ominous hooded figure. Before he could process anything a bag flew over his head and he was being lifted up.

Gemini struggled and yelled for help as he felt more than one person carrying him. A set of hands holding his ankles and a set under his armpits. He knew that with those strong hands he was getting nowhere, being weak was a skill for him. Eventually, he was thrown onto what felt like a chair. In a split second his hands were tied into the arms of the chairs tight enough to cut off blood circulation. The hood was yanked off and Gemini squinted at the sudden light going in his eyes. His hat was nowhere to be seen and he was partially blind because his glasses fell somewhere.

"Gemini?" A female voice was behind him.

Gemini craned his neck and saw a flash of long black hair and the shine of hooped earrings. Only one person had gold hooped earrings like that.

"Capricorn?" Gemini called.

"Yes! Yes it's me!" She said in a relieved tone.

"Yo I'm here too!"

"Aries?!" Capricorn gasped.

Aries was on the opposite side of the room in the darkness.

"What the hell is going on?! I can't see anything!"

"Who are you?!" Capricorn shouted.

"Taurus! It's Taurus!"

"Oh, Taurus." Capricorn rolled her eyes.

"Is there anyone else here? Gemini shouted.

"My hands are starting to hurt..." a small voice had a slight bit of pain in it.

"Leo?! Where are you? Are you ok?! Oh my god, we're gonna die! I'm so sorry!" A male said with a worried tone.

"Cancer? Don't worry I'm here!" Leo shouted.

From the way everyone was positioned it seemed like everyone was spread out in different corners of the room. There was just enough light to take into account where everyone. Gemini took the time to memorize where everyone was placed.

"What is going on? Were we kidnapped?" Taurus sobbed.

"Guys we need to calm down. We don't want to alert anyone who could be around." Aries cautioned.

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