The Heart Knows What It Wants

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As Sagittarius was being dragged into another room and was forced to kneel, she looked around and noticed the others who were knocked out cold. She counted and then took a sharp breath after noticing that Scorpio was missing. The room wasn't dark at all, she could clearly see her surroundings. Other men surrounded them and were armed with various weapons. She saw Ophiuchus being forced down next to her along with the others that were still conscious.

When she looked ahead she saw a throne looking chair guarded by darkness and immediately her blood went cold when she saw a shadow shuffling in the dark shadow.

"What happened?" Capricorn came to and looked around, she was on her side but managed to get herself into a sitting position. She saw Libra laying next to her and it made her panic, she tapped him with her foot and he groaned, slowly waking up and squinting at the light.

Libra tried to move his hands but they were tightly bound to the point it hurt because the rope was rubbing against his skin. The others slowly woke up, groaning at the pain from the 'anesthetic' that was given.

"Took long enough." Aries was sitting in a chair and crossed her legs, looking back into the shadows.

"THEY'RE the ones that keep interfering me?!" A voice finally emerged, it was deep and caused shivers.

"Unfortunately." Aries sighed.

"I expected something...more. This is quite underwhelming."

"Hmm." A figure came out of the shadow. He had dark hair and was obviously fit. The mask upon his face was a simple white mask with a smiling face, it was incredibly creepy. His clothes clearly displayed his wealth as he wore a fine tailored suit and he had a fair amount of accessories such as rings adorned on his fingers.

He walked over to the far left where Capricorn was and crouched down to get a good look.

"This is your sister?" He asked Aries while staring at Capricorn.

"Was my sister."

"Good." He was pleased with Aries' answer.

Capricorn had to bite back her tears as she looked at Aries who didn't even spare a glance at her.

"Ahh you lot caused me a lot of trouble." He sighed at Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Cancer. Though Capricorn was part of that group he didn't want to waste time with her.

"Do you know how much money I lost that day at the casino?" He growled and grabbed a handful of Virgo's hair, yanking his head up and forcing him to look.

"More then what you're worth." The man hissed at Virgo and let him go. Virgo took an inhale to hide his pain and anger.

"And you." He looked at Aquarius.

"You should've died that day."

Aquarius' heartbeat quickened as he came in closer. The man looked back and signaled at someone to come forward.

"Remember him? Your good ol' friend?" He smirked.

Aquarius began to tremble under his grasp and hyperventilating, hinting at a panic attack.

"You did quite a number on him. Look at his face."

Aquarius saw that a large portion of his face was darker then the rest due to the hot soup he poured on him.

"Come here."

The other man approached and Aquarius flailed to try and get away but was held steady.

"S-stop." Aquarius gasped out.

"He's quite angry for what you've done to him. Shall I let him take revenge? This time he'll actually kill you."

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