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"I feel like I just got into a cult." Leo played with her fingers as they walked out of the gymnasium.

"That initiation thing was so scary!" Cancer shivered and hugged himself.

"Ya I really thought I was going to die." Leo laughed nervously.

"Ohhh Cancer." Someone sang.

Can we turned around and saw Taurus standing their with a hand on her hip and a smirk.

"Oh great." Cancer mumbled.

"Wanna take me home? It's too dark." Taurus surprisingly asked nicely.

Cancer gave it a thought and looked back at Leo.

"Um sorry Taurus, I have to take Leo home." Cancer rubbed the back of his hair, feeling guilty.

Leo awkwardly stood there and cleared her throat.

"Uh, you can drop her today if you want..." Leo rubbed her arm, not making eye contact.

"But I always drop you off." Cancer blinked.

"No it's fine I'll walk by myself, it isn't that far." Leo smiled softly.

"How about you drop both of us off." Taurus rolled her eyes.

"I mean Leo and I are practically neighbors." She continued.

Leo winced at her words, remembering their childhood. They were best friends until high school. Once she began hanging out with Capricorn everything changed about her. Every time Leo walked home she would watch Capricorn walk with her, laughing happily and gossiping about school matters. Leo remembered the day she came crying to her house, when Capricorn said that her long hair was ugly. She was only a freshman then, struggling to adjust from the transition from middle to high school so she took Capricorn's words to heart. The next day they went to school Leo saw Taurus with a boy cut, meaning she literally looked like a boy. Now she has grown it long enough where people can tell she's a girl but it was still short enough where you could mistake her for a boy from the back.

"Is that alright with you?" Cancer looked at Leo.

"Y-ya that's fine." Leo modded.

"Alright let's go then." Cancer shrugged and began walking in front of them.

Taurus and Leo walked side by side, awkward silence filling the air.

"Say, do you like Cancer?" Taurus whispered.

"What? No!" Leo denied and avoided eye contact.

"Don't lie, I can tell you were bothered when I asked to tag along." Taurus raised an eyebrow, moving a strand of hair out of her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Leo laughed nervously.

"C'mon I know you." Taurus nudged.

"You used to know me....I don't know who you are anymore." Leo said it softly so Taurus couldn't hear her.

"You definitely like him." Taurus crosses her arms.

"Ok fine, maybe I do." Leo just wanted to get past this topic.

"Ha! Knew it." Taurus snapped her fingers dramatically.

"What are you two talking about?" Cancer fell back to join them.

"School." Leo said shortly.

"Boooring." Cancer rolled his eyes.

Cancer felt a bit awkward standing in between the two. Luckily, the crickets chirped loud enough to fill the uncomfortable silence. They stopped in front of a medium sized house.

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