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Leo tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Virgo at the lunch table. She finally caught him slowly walking towards her and taking his sweet time to sit down.

"You're so slow."

"I couldn't choose between low fat milk or whole milk."

"Ok tell me, how'd it go?"

Virgo sighed and looked at her seriously.

"No joke I almost died." He said dramatically.

"What? Seriously?" She gasped.

"Ya some things didn't go according to plan and well...this happened." He pulled down his turtle neck just enough for her to see the dark bruises on his light skin.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"

"Well I'm alive aren't I?" He smirked and began to eat his food.

"I heard that Cancer wasn't happy being around you most of the time..."

"Oh ya, he was definitely being a dick but that means he's jealous and threatened by me."


"Oh ya, 100%." Virgo guaranteed.

Right while they were talking Cancer and Taurus both came up. Taurus had her arm hooked with Cancer while he had his hands in his pocket.

"Leo, can I talk to you for a sec?" Cancer asked.

" sure." Leo nodded and stood up.

"Taurus, wait here." Cancer removed her hand and walked away with Leo.

When they were gone Taurus took a seat across from Virgo and watched him silently eat.

"You're being a bit creepy." He said bluntly.

"Sorry." Taurus sighed and played with her hair awkwardly.

"Do you really like Cancer?"

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden?" Taurus squinted, a little offended that he was intruding on her business.

"I don't know I just think it was a little bit sudden, how you two got together. You didn't talk much to each other either."

Taurus scoffed and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Are you saying that I'm manipulating him to do something?"

"I didn't say that but that's exactly what I'm thinking." Virgo nodded.

"Look. It isn't that complicated. He said he liked me and I said I like him. What more do you need to be in a relationship?"

"'re definitely leaving out something."

"Just eat your goddamn food." She snapped at him.

"Oh feisty. Yes m'am." Virgo laughed at her sudden temper, knowing he hit a nerve

"Leo...I just wanted to ask why you're avoiding me." Cancer sighed.

"Avoiding you? I'm not."

"What do you mean? Ever since you met Virgo you've completely stopped talking to me. Is there...something going on between you two?" He asked very quietly.

Leo looked down at her feet and cleared her throat.

"So what if there is? What's it to you?" She crossed her arms and looked him in the eye.

"Wait so are you two together?"

"What does it look like to you?"

"Ok let's say you are. Can't you still talk to me?" He seemed a little bit flustered but handled it maturely.

Raven's Eyes (A Zodiac Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang