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Gemini tossed his backpack on the couch and immediately went into the kitchen. He paused as he was about to open the fridge.

"MOM?!" He yelled as loud as possible.

There was no answer.

"Good. She's not home."

He opened the fridge and looked for something to drink. He snatched a can of beer and sat in the couch, easily sinking in.

!Disclaimer! Drinking underage is bad!

He cracked open the can, the crisp sound slicing the air and gave a sense of relief. Without hesitation he took a sip, no, he took a gulp and exhaled. He had never felt so let down by someone, let alone a crush. Usually he was quick to get over the fact the guy he liked was straight but this time, this time it hurt a lot more.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, beckoning him to take a look.

He stared at the text and scoffed.

❤️ Aqua ❤️: Thanks again for the present! I owe you a huge favor :P

He had even decorated the contact name and had a stupid profile picture of Aquarius on his phone.

Gemini: Don't worry about it!

He replied back fast and then kept his phone on the glass table, not wanting to look at it again. He gulped his beer again and the buzzing feeling began to creep up his face, making him feel hot all of a sudden.

"Crap." He groaned, realizing he probably shouldn't have drank anything because he couldn't hold his alcohol well.

He went upstairs to his room and flopped on the king sized bed, overthinking everything and wondering where he went wrong. Did Aquarius realize he liked him and wanted to push him away earlier? Was he just plain oblivious? What if he pretended to be oblivious the whole time? Gemini became angry with his own thoughts and uselessly kicked his feet at the air.


Gemini sighed at his mother's voice.

"COMING!" He yelled back and skipped down the stairs.

"What's this?" His mother pointed at the half empty beer can.

"I can explain."

"Oh ya, you better explain." She scoffed and threw the can in the trash.

His mother took a seat at the breakfast bar with him and raised an eyebrow. Suddenly her face changed and she smiled a bit.

"Did you give Aquarius the present?" She was known to easily get distracted and Gemini often took advantage of it.

"Ya I did..."

"Well? What happened? Why aren't you excited?" She blinked curiously.

"I gave it to him...and he called me bro."

His mother's mouth formed an 'o' and for once she didn't know what to say.

"Oh darling." She put a hand on his head and comforted him.

"It's really fine mom, I'm used to it."

"Do you want some ice cream?" She offered.

Gemini nodded sadly, at least being able to indulge in something sweet would make his day better.

"Ok let's see..." She opened the freezer and dug through the frozen goods.

"We have a problem." She looked back at him.

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