Lillies and Petunias

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Scorpio and Aries sat together in the library, strategically choosing the nook on the corner in case they wanted to get flirty. Scorpio was anxiously biting her pencil while looking off into the distance.

"Hey, you ok?" Aries waved her hand in front of her face.

"I'm a bit worried about Aquarius." She admitted.

"Don't worry we'll see him soon." Aries comforted her by giving her a side hug.

Scorpio nodded and went back to focusing on her work. The wood table vibrated from a phone buzzing on silent.

"Aries you're getting a call." She pointed out as Aries was browsing in a nearby bookshelf.

Aries walked over and flipped her phone to look at the caller ID.

Unknown Caller

"Ugh it's those stupid spam phone calls." Aries let it ring until it showed up as a missed call.

"Those are so annoying." Scorpio laughed softly and leaned back to make a mental calculation for her math problem.

After only a minute Aries' phone vibrated again with the same called ID.

"You've got to be kidding me." Aries rolled her eyes and picked up her phone.


Scorpio watched Aries' annoyed face until it changed to a slightly surprised expression.

"Sorry, give me a sec." Aries told Scorpio and then walked out into the hallway.

Scorpio furrowed her eyebrows, slightly worried.

Aries quickly came back and took a seat.

"What was the problem?" Scorpio asked nicely.

"Capricorn went over her credit limit again so the bank gave me a call to make sure the card wasn't stolen. She annoys me so much sometimes."

"Oh." Scorpio nodded and carefully examined Aries' gestures.

Why would a bank have an unknown caller ID?

"Hey, you wanna come to my apartment for a bit before going to see Aquarius?"

"Is there any particular reason why?" Aries smirked and leaned closer.

"Stooop! There's a flower stall near there so I thought I'd buy some flowers and put it in a nice vase for him." Scorpio playfully punched her shoulder.

"Flowers?" Aries cleared her throat, hiding some sort of emotion.

"Um...yes? Isn't it normal to buy flowers for someone in a hospital?"

"I guess. It works for me!"

For some reason when Aries said 'I guess' it had no emotion. It was cold and insensitive but Scorpio was keen enough to pick up on it. She somewhat felt uncomfortable and frightened for a moment.

"Alright then, let's go!" Scorpio broke the silence and began to pack up her stuff.

As they walked up to the florist Scorpio looked through the bouquets of flowers but Aries was standing at a distance looking like she didn't care one bit. She had a sort of annoyed look on her face.

"Aries? Can you help me choose?" Scorpio called her over.

"Just get whatever they're all the same anyway." She shrugged.

"Don't speak like that!" Scorpio glared at her and then smiled at the florist to relieve and tension.

"What flowers would you get if you wanted to wish someone to get better?"

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