Epilogue No. 3

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Oops it's been a while but college is starting for me tomorrow! I just want to remind everyone to stay safe and please WEAR A MASK for your safety and others. Love you😘🥰

"Sis you look fucking ugly." Aries said bluntly.

"Excuse you?!" Capricorn scoffed but tossed the shirt she was gonna wear to the side.

"I'm being completely honest." Aries defended.

"Ok fine fine." Capricorn took a deep breath and grabbed a black blazer. She was extremely nervous as she was getting ready for a job interview. It was her dream job, and it was in New York. Though she'd be leaving a month later they insisted she did the interview through a laptop.

"Hmm maybe your red suit? To make a statement?"

"That only looks good in person."

She had been studying English with all her heart and surprisingly was able to communicate well after 2 years. Her phone buzzed as someone was calling her. The contact read 'babe' with a bunch of blue hearts on either side.


"Are you ready?" Libra asked.

"No not really, I'm really nervous."

"Don't be baby, you'll ace it. After all, you learned a whole language for this."

"I'm still not good at it." She sighed.

"Are you kidding me? I've watched over five years worth of American shows and can barely manage to carry out a basic conversation."

Capricorn laughed, happy that some of her nerves were eased with Libra's humor.

Aries frantically waved her hands and then pointed at her wrist to indicate that she needed to hurry.

"Alright, I gotta go and finish setting up babe."

"I wish you the best of luck." He said with broken English that was adorable to Libra.

Capricorn took two short breathes and adjusted her blazer, taking one final look in the mirror and then running to her laptop. She joined the meeting and her heart thud loudly as she saw three intimidating looking people, all with notepads and pens. Aries gave her a final thumbs up and then shut the door.

After about an hour of intense questions they thanked her and ended the call. Capricorn finally relaxed in her chair felt like she could breathe.

"HOW DID IT GO?!" Aries barged in and immediately served her cold water.

"I-I'm not sure, the questions were hard and my English started getting worse the more questions they asked." Capricorn sighed and put her head on the table.

"Well...what's done is done. You just have to wait for the result."

"They're gonna let me know tonight."

"That fast?!"

"Maybe it's so they can reject me faster." She said with pessimism.

"I'm gonna go out." Capricorn needed some time to herself as a break. After getting changed she spent the rest of the day eating whatever she wanted and playing in the arcade, winning a massive stuffed teddy bear.

"What am I supposed to do this this? I was just playing for fun and ended up getting this." She groaned at the fluffy burden.

She smiled when she thought about giving it to Libra. He loves stuffed toys and soft things. As she was walking down the street she felt a drop of water on her nose which quickly changed into a drizzle, then a full downpour. Luckily, she had seen the news this morning and was expecting rain so she had an umbrella. The downside, however, was the bear was getting soaked and was getting twice as heavy.

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