Epilogue No. 4

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Aquarius walked down the street with his hands in his pocket and headphones blasting rap music. He was on his way to the recording studio to record his second album after his first one became a huge hit. He didn't change much over the years, maybe just gained some muscle and a sense of style. He was already running late and tapped his foot impatiently as he was waiting for the bus.

Yes, even though he was popular and making a good amount of money from his first album he still continued to take the bus because it just felt more familiar. That and he didn't have a driver's licensee since he walked everywhere.

"Whoa! Are you Aquarius?" A boy in his teens asked.


"Can you give me an autograph?"

Aquarius still wasn't used to being famous so it took a moment for him to process the request.

"Of course."

"My friends are gonna FREAK!" He said excitedly.

"Here you go, study hard!" Aquarius waved as the boy happily left.

"Wow this color looks fantastic. It looks so natural, even guys can wear it." Some girls flipped through a magazine in awe.

"I know I'm a girl but if I were a guy I'd buy this outfit in a heartbeat, not to mention the guy wearing it is super hot."

Aquarius curiously looked over at them which was easy since he was a good foot taller then them. A slender man donned the front page of the magazine with a lethal gaze that attracted attention.

"Wait a second..." Aquarius looked closer and recognized that it was Gemini.

"Oh? He's a model now?" He mumbled. The girls looked at him weirdly and shuffled away, giggling at the pages.

Aquarius felt somewhat sad remembering Gemini. They were going to different universities and were always busy with something or another. Eventually, it led them to not talk to each other for 2 years. Even though they went through so much together.

Aquarius had finally made it to the recording studio and finished his schedule for the day. He went back to his now somewhat luxurious apartment that he got from selling his old house and sunk into the couch, craving a drink.

He recieved a text before making it to the fridge.

Scorpio: You down for some clubbing tonight?

Aqua: tonight?

Scorpio: yes tonight!

Aqua: I'm a little bit tired today

Scorpio: c'mon you should celebrate your fame and upcoming album

Aqua: you know I'm not a very good drinker

Scorpio: you'll be alright

Aqua: alright fine. Where and what time?

Scorpio texted him an address and then instead of giving him a time it said 'right now' in all caps with five exclamation marks. Aquarius has no idea what to wear for a club and settled for blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black bomber jacket. It looked basic but it'll do.

Scorpio: I'm outside your house rn

"Already?!" Aquarius quickly sprayed into some cologne and grabbed his wallet before bolting our the door, not wanting to keep her waiting.

Aries was with Scorpio, hand shamelessly around her waist.

"Ready?" Scorpio asked.


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