Watch Your Step

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Gemini blinked quickly and then looked away, focusing his gaze on some homework he needed to finish.

"I said I like your outfit." He repeated, slightly louder this time.

"Shut up! I heard you!" Gemini hissed between his teeth and avoided looking at him.

Aquarius shrugged and went on his phone.

Gemini bit the end of his pencil, a bad habit that never faded and cautiously looked back at Aquarius. He seem d completely unbothered and was smiling at his phone. Gemini scoffed and shoved his hands in his pocket, leaning back in his chair until the front ends came up.

"Yo! Check this out!" Aquarius gasped and showed him a picture on his phone.

Gemini glanced at it and saw that it was a branded white hoodie, the colorful logo slapped right in the center.

"Seriously? That looks ugly."

Aquarius' smile faded into a pout.

"What? Why?!"

"The logo looks so bad on the white."

"I like's fine I wouldn't buy it anyway." Aquarius laughed and playfully put a hand on Gemini's shoulder.

The sudden contact flustered Gemini and he leaned a bit too far back and crashed to the floor.

"Shit! You ok?!" Aquarius winced in pain.

Gemini looked around and felt a stern hand on the back of his head, fingers firmly entangled in his hair. He saw Aquarius next to him, kneeling over and with a concerned look.

"You would've smashed your head!" Aquarius exclaimed.

Gemini groaned, his elbow tingling from hitting it on the ground slightly. Aquarius' hand was still on Gemini's head somewhat caressing it.

"T-thanks. Is your hand ok?" Gemini asked.

Aquarius' removed his hand and took a look at it. It was alarmingly red and Aquarius looked uncomfortable.

"You really fell hard." He grimaced as he touched his hand.

Without realizing Gemini took his hand to examine it and pressed softly between the knuckles. Aquarius bit his lip as it hurt to move his hand and he didn't want to make a commotion.

"You should get some ice." Gemini concluded, releasing his hand.

"No I'm fine." Aquarius smiled and put his other hand over the injured one.

"You should see a doctor too, it looks swollen."

"I don't think it's that bad."

"Your loss." Gemini said nonchalantly.

After some time without the two speaking the bell rang for lunch and Gemini took off without taking a second glance at Aquarius.

Aquarius sighed and stared at his hand as it was still an unhealthy color that was far from normal. He decided to go to the nurse to take up Gemini's concern.

"Hello? Ms?" Aquarius peeked into the room that smelled of rubbing alcohol.

"Oh hi dear! Back again?"

"Um ya." He nodded and sat on the bed.

"Let's take a look." She smiled and brought over some tools.

"How are your other injuries doing?"

"Just fine, they're healing nicely."

"Ouch! What happened." She said after examining his hand.

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