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A movie recommendation for you: Tune In For Love
A beautiful story between the characters and is very entertaining to watch them grow and deal with life's problems (it's on Netflix) the actor and actress are very natural in their acting and the movie was realistic.
Genre: drama, emotional, romance

Taurus doodled on the side of her math work, creating random strokes along the margins that looked fairly good when she was done. She patiently waiting for the bell to ring and stared at the clock ticking away while playing with the hair at the nape of her neck.

After zoning out some more the bell finally rang and the teacher dismissed the class quickly. Taurus rushed out and quickly walked through the hallways to find the girls. She assumed they'd be in the same spot as she saw them before and when she turned the corner, she assumed right. The timid looking girl was hunched over in between them as if they were protecting her.

"Excuse me girls?" Taurus chimed in.

They gave annoyed glances but waited for her to speak.

"Can I speak with her?" Taurus pointed to the girl in the middle.

"Why? Can't you see we're in the middle of something?"

"Now is that the way to talk to your senior?" Taurus smirked, she didn't come unprepared. She leaned into the girl's ear, the one who talked back.

"I'm sure everybody wants to know that you've slept with your friend's boyfriend before." Taurus glanced at one of the other girls that was playing on her phone.

The girl's eyes widened. "How did you-?"

"Do you mind if I speak with her?" Taurus asked again.

"Go right ahead." She said, this time without another word.

The girl followed Taurus into an empty classroom, she fiddled with her fingers nervously and refused to look Taurus in the eye.

"I heard you're going to some event?"

The girl looked even more frightened after hearing those words.

"I-I don't want to....but I have to." She let out a sob.

"Where is it taking place?" Taurus was very direct with her questions. She knew the girl was already afraid and getting answers would be easy.

"I can't tell you." Her eyes watered.

"You can't tell me?" Taurus squinted.

"If I do..." Her voice became inaudible as her hands trembled.

"Ok you don't have to tell me." Taurus sighed and pulled out a paper and pen from her bag.

"Write it for me."

The girl was surprised by Taurus but she hesitantly took the pen and quickly wrote down one word, shoving the paper back at Taurus and running away. Taurus glanced at the messy handwriting and raised an eyebrow.

"Casino." And beside it was tomorrow's date and a time.

Capricorn's phone buzzed violently.

"Oh what the hell." She checked her notifications.


"You've got to be kidding me." Capricorn frowned and peeked only Aries' room.

"Hey, we gotta go back to the school."

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