Fear Is Just a Feeling

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Capricorn woke up earlier then usual, feeling uneasy about something. She peeked into Aries' room but saw that the bed was still perfectly made, indicating that she hadn't returned. Capricorn sighed and went to grab a drink. Her parents were now extremely worried and were on the verge of notifying the police but since this is something Aries did often they decided to wait a few more days.

She frowned as she got ready for school and texted Libra to wait for her so they could walk together. Things weren't awkward between them anymore, as long as that night wasn't brought up they behaved normally around each other. She was still dejected at the fact that he gave her such a reaction but concluded that it was simply because he didn't like her, she couldn't force anything to happen.

She walked outside and it was much hotter then usual today, making her glad she wore minimal makeup.

"Hey! Good morning!" Libra waved.

"Morning!" She happily waved back and they began walking with each other.

"Did you study for the test?" Libra asked.

"WHAT TEST?!" Capricorn panicked and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Just kidding, the test is next week." He laughed.

"What the hell?" Capricorn relaxed and laughed along.

"Hey guys." Virgo said while passing by but didn't give them a glance.

"He seems moodier then usual." Libra examined.

An even moodier person walked by. It was like he had a rain cloud over his head; his posture was slightly slouched and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Cancer?" Libra blinked.

"What do you want?" He was snappy due to the lack of sleep.

"You look like shit."

"HAHA thanks." He growled and walked ahead.

"Don't mind him, he's going through some stuff." Taurus gave an exhausted sigh and caught up with him.

"It looks like everyone's on edge about something or another." Capricorn shrugged.

As Pisces was taking attendance he curiously stared at the sheet.

"Scorpio?" He called out one more time.

"She isn't here." Libra answered.

"And neither is Aries." He sighed and marked them absent.

"Why is Scorpio absent? I've never seen her absent." Libra whispered.

Capricorn shrugged. "Maybe she's sick or something."

School went by as slow as it did everyday, last period felt like it was by far the longest.

Gemini looked over at Aquarius and noticed he seemed a bit concerned.

Do you think Scorpio is ok?

"I'm sure she's fine. Everyone gets sick once in a while." Gemini reassured.

I...I feel like she would have told me.

"You're thinking about it too much. Don't worry about it."

Aquarius sighed and nodded, but something kept bothering him. He discretely pulled out his phone and sent a text to her.

Hey, are you ok?

He waited a few seconds for a reply but then put his phone away before the teacher could catch him.

The bell rang and Gemini gave a long stretch and let out a loud groan.

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