The Young-lookng Old Woodcutter

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You can just vibe with the music ig

Earlier that day

Scorpio moved in and out of consciousness, the throbbing in her head was almost unbearable. She opened her eyes slowly and was only welcomed by more darkness. She managed to sit up, throwing up from the sheer amount of pain she felt in her head and she was feeling extremely nauseous. She knew that these were symptoms of a concussion.

She looked around and tried to figure out where she was but it proved impossible in the darkness. The floor was cold and almost metallic. Her legs wobbled as she managed to stand up, almost falling unconscious again. She noticed a small crack of light through a door and moved towards it, as that was her only option. Once she got as close as she could she tried to peek through the crack and was able to make out a well lit room on the other side.

The light made her headache worse but she forced herself to continue looking through it.

She could hear light footsteps approaching the door and stumbled backwards as far as she could and pretended like she was still unconscious. The doors opened which fully let the light in. Scorpio shut her eyes and tried to make her breathing more shallow to make it more believable.

"Still not up?" She could hear Aries crouch next to her.

"Maybe I did kill you." She leaned closer to examiner Scorpio's breathing.

"Nope still alive. I whacked you hard enough to cause some serious mental damage I wouldn't be surprised if you woke up retarded." She snickered.

Scorpio still somehow remembered everything, although; she wished she didn't. She realized that this was the time to escape because the doors were wide open. Scorpio jerked and threw her leg across Aries' face, causing Aries to stumble to the ground cursing. There was a clatter on the floor and Scorpio saw that it was her phone.

"You bitch! I didn't kill you and this is how you repay me?!" Aries hissed.

Scorpio's vision grew blurry but she needed to run. She grabbed the phone and made a break for the door. She knew she wouldn't make it far in her condition but needed to at least find a place to hide. When she left the building she realized that they were at an abandoned warehouse. She managed to run up a slight hill and came across a couple who were taking a pit stop on the side of the road.

"Oh my god. Please help! HELP!" Scorpio almost tripped over her own feet.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?!" The woman gasped at the appalling sight of blood and how Scorpio was even alive due to the injuries.

"Where...where are we?" Scorpio took a gulp of air and asked.

"Kyoto. Do you need to be taken to the hospital?" The man answered, keeping his girlfriend slightly farther away in case Scorpio was a lunatic or someone pretending to be injured.

"No no hospital. She'll find me." Scorpio coughed and fell against the car, her legs unable to carry her farther.

She looked at her cracked phone to check if it was working and breathed a sigh of relief when the lock screen lit up. She unlocked the phone and immediately went to the group chat and typed in the words Kyoto.

"A-are you sure you don't need help?"

"'s too late. If...if a woman comes and asks for me, my name is Scorpio, please tell her I went to the hospital." Scorpio needed to buy as much time as possible.


Scorpio regained some energy and wobbled into the woods, clumsily cracking every stick and crunching on every leaf there was. She was still losing blood from a wound on her head that was poorly wrapped. She kept wandering around until night fell and she couldn't see a foot in front of her face.

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