Epilogue No. 2

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"Hurry up! Run!" Virgo panted as he held the woman's soft hand. Her fire red hair made them stand out in the greenery, which was something to be avoided.

"I-I can't go on anymore." She huffed and began to slow down.

"Come on! Just a little bit further. At least to the river." He encouraged her and cupped her freckles face, tucking a strand of wet hair behind her ear.

She nodded even though she was exhausted and gripped his hand tightly, running as hard as she could.

"OVER THERE!" Someone shouted. Their footsteps growing louder.

She tripped over her own feet and slammed into the ground, soaked with mud and grass.

"Come on." Virgo pulled her up, squinting through the rain as it was growing heavier.

As they were running Virgo spotted a secluded spot in which they could hide in.

"Let's rest here but keep it quiet." Virgo and her crouched down, listening carefully to any incoming footsteps.

"You're soaking wet." He sighed and put both hands in hers to warm her up a little.

"And so are you."

"Don't worry about me."

"If I had known it would've been like this I wouldn't have fallen in love with you." She sobbed into his shoulder.

"That is something you can't control." He tilted her head up and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips and then kissed her forehead for reassurance.


"Good job! Get them some towels."

"Damn it's freezing." Virgo shivered and peeled his shirt off his wet skin.

"Good job." The actress gave a pat on his shoulder.

"You're doing pretty good for a rookie actor." The director smiled in satisfaction.

"Thank you sir. I told you I wouldn't disappoint."

"Maybe we should make the kiss a little bit more passionate..." the director mumbled to himself and flipped through the script, making some edits.

Virgo was happy that he was doing well in his new job. He was still in acting school but he always got high marks and praises from the professors and his friends.

"Virgo? You got a visitor." The woman that he worked with, the one with scarlet hair called him while drying her hair with a towel.

Leo showed up with a giant smile on her face and a bag of food. She hopped over to him and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"How's my baby doing?" She said with a muffled voice as her face was buried in his new white shirt.

"Doing well." He laughed, a bit overwhelmed with how adorable she was acting and patting her head with a soft smile.

"Who's this?" The red head walked up to them with a welcoming smile.

"Mina, this is Leo my girlfriend, Leo this is Mina my colleague." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled and extended a hand for a shake.

Leo was a bit surprised by this woman's boldness. When Leo looked at her there seemed to be a glimmering aura around her and she realized how beautiful she was. Her red hair accentuated her sharp face and had the most perfect body Leo had ever seen. She wasn't going to lie, as a woman, Leo felt intimidated. Her piercing blue eyes tried to seem warm but gave off a different vibe then intended.

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