Arrival to Kyoto

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"Field trip, field trip, field trip." Leo hummed and bounced into the bus.

"Remember the real reason." Virgo sighed but couldn't restrain himself from smiling at her.

"I haven't been on a trip since middle school, ah the good ol' days." Leo chose a seat in the middle of the bus and Virgo didn't hesitate to sit next to her.

Cancer walked into the bus and glanced at Leo for a split second and then glancing back at Taurus to make sure she was behind him.

"Need help?" He asked and Taurus struggled to bring up her bag.

"No I don't-." She paused and thought about it for a second.

"Yes please help." She grinned.

Cancer happily heaved the bag up, astonished by how heavy it was.

"What the hell did you pack?! It should not weigh this much." He complained but still carried it to the back, not even paying attention to Leo or Virgo.

"I like being prepared." Taurus shrugged and sat in a seat. Cancer panted and heavily sat next to her.

Capricorn came in with a glum look. She looked like she hadn't slept nor eaten. She just...didn't look put together, which was understandable given the situation she was in. Libra had a hand on her shoulder and gently rubbed it to soothe her but she looked indifferent to everything. She chose a random seat and stared out the window without saying a word.

Libra didn't like seeing her like this but he had tried comforting, only to receive the cold shoulder.

"Do you want me to sit next to you?" Libra asked, not wanting to intrude in case she needed more space.

She looked at him and sighed, "do whatever you want."

Libra decided to sit next to her but didn't dare say a word and restrained his usual chatty self.

Sagittarius and Pisces came on the bus with minimal baggage, packing only what they needed. Sagittarius proceeded to talk with the driver while Pisces chose the front row seat, immediately pulling out a snack from his back pocket and yawning since it was so early in the morning.

"Alright guys we are set to leave, everyone here?" Sagittarius announced.

At that moment, Aquarius and Gemini rushed into the bus.

"Sorry sorry!" Aquarius apologized.

"I see you're back to your usual habits? And it rubbed off on Gemini?" Sagittarius raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry!" They both bowed deeply and slid past her, taking heavy breathes from running. They chose the seat at the very back and sighed, sinking into the leather seats with exhausted faced.

"Alright, everyone's here. Let's go." She signaled the driver and took her seat, across from Pisces. He looked disappointed but didn't want to show it so he focused on his book and snack.

Only 30 minutes into the trip Leo couldn't contain her questions and excitement.

"Guys what do you want to do first?" She looked around at everyone, who's eyes focused on her.

"Beach!" Aquarius yelled.

"Temple sight seeing?" Taurus suggested.

"I want to eat the food!" Cancer raised his hand frantically.

"FIRST! We will focus on the task at hand, we don't even know if Scorpio is alive." Virgo turned and told everyone.

"Virgo is right." Aquarius frowned, his mood dampened.

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