Repressed Memory

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Aries opened her eyes and yawned, blinking the sleep out of eyes. Out of habit she looked at Scorpio but she was staring right at her in a concerning way.

"Holy shit! You scared me." Aries choked on her breath and sat up.

"How long were you doing that?"

"Not long." Scorpio shook her head.

"Are you ok? You look stressed." Aries got out of the warm bed and stretched her back, making some inhuman noises to indicate that the stretch felt good.

"No I'm fine but your phone has been buzzing for like fifteen minutes." Scorpio shrugged.

Aries grabbed her phone and saw the tsunami of texts she received from Capricorn. She groaned and put her phone back on the table with annoyance.

"What happened?"

"Capricorn is telling me to come home."

"Oh...ok. Go then." Scorpio didn't move from her spot and looked at Aries.

"O-ok? Should I see myself out then?" Aries was expecting Scorpio to at least walk her to the door.

"Ya you go ahead I'm still tired. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about some stuff."

Aries nodded, a bit confused but after brushing her teeth and changing her clothes back to the ones she wore yesterday she swiftly left without any questions. Once she got home her sister was waiting in front of her room with her arms crossed.

"How was your sleepover?" She squinted.

"Fine. We just watched a movie and ate some junk food." Which wasn't a lie.

"Is that all you did?"

"What are you trying to say?" Aries rolled her eyes, wanting Capricorn to stop beating around the bush.

"Do mom and dad know?"

"Know what?" Aries threw her hands in the air in frustration.

"That you have a girlfriend?" Capricorn raised an eyebrow.

Aries' heart dropped into her stomach and immediately shut her mouth and refrained from saying any smart remarks.

"You like girls?!" Capricorn seemed angry over something.

" did you know?"

"Libra saw you two on your 'date'." She sneered.

"When were you planning to tell me?!" Capricorn groaned and clenched her fists.

"Can you please stop and dad..." Aries winced.

"DON'T WORRY I made sure that they went out before I confront you."

"I was planning on telling you I swear but..."

"But what? You can't even tell your own sister something so important?!"

"But...I was scared."

Capricorn's face softened slightly and she took a deep breath to keep herself together.

"Ok it's fine. I just wish I learned about this from your mouth and not from someone else. It makes me feel like I suck as a sister."

"I'm sorry..." Aries looked at the ground in shame feeling like she was going to cry.

"Look. It doesn't make you any different you're still my sister. I should pay attention to you more and be a better older sister."

"You're only older by three minutes." Aries sniffled.

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