On The Run

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Virgo and Leo tip toed towards Aquarius and Gemini's room in the early morning and gave a gentle knock.

"Geez, do they sleep like the dead or what?" Leo groaned.

"Shh, Ophiuchus is sleeping on the couch." Virgo nudged her.

After a minute of light knocking Virgo could hear the shuffle of footsteps behind the door.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Gemini said surprisingly politely, it was clear he was still half asleep.

"You wanna come with us to the shrine?"

"What? Why?" Gemini was confused.

"I heard the scenery there is really nice and I wanna pray for some good luck."

Gemini sighed and ran a hand across his face, groaning.

"Why us?"

"You're the closest to us and we just didn't want to go alone."

"You're not alone, you have each other."

"You have five minutes."

"What?! It takes at least thirty minutes to even wake Aquarius up."

"Not my problem." She shrugged.

"Fine fine." Gemini gave a sarcastic smile and closed the door.

"Gemini? What are you-." Aquarius' voice was cut off with a short scream.

"Get up you lazy ass!" You could hear the whacks of the pillow through the door.

"No stop! What did I do to youuuu."

"You better get up or I'm pouring water on you."

"OK OK!" Aquarius pleaded and the room went silent.

"Well that was slightly more violent then I expected." Leo looked at Virgo who was holding in a laugh.

The door opened again and Gemini somehow made himself look like he took thirty minutes to get ready. Aquarius, on the other hand, definitely looked like he woke up five minutes ago. He still had a slight case of bed head and you could see the tiredness on his face.

"Why'd you wake me up?" He whined.

"To go pray." Gemini answered.

"At like five in the morning?!"

"That's when the shrine opens, and it's when there aren't many people." Virgo put an arm around his shoulder.

"Fine whatever let's go." Aquarius hated losing sleep. He would have a bad attitude all day because he didn't get his seven hours.

They called a taxi because the shrine was a bit too far for walking but it was only a 15 minute drive. The air somehow felt fresher around the large shrine, making it more like you stepped into a divine place. There were a few people making their rounds in the shrine with their hands put together.

"Oh hello, have you been here before?" A middle aged woman gave a kind smile and hand some offerings in her hand

"Oh no, we're new here." Virgo answered.

"Well, welcome to the area! There aren't any young people coming to a shrine nowadays, in fact, you're the only young ones here today." She sighed.

There was some slight awkward silence but then she cleared her throat and smiled, wrinkles around her eyes indicated her age.

"Here." She placed a flower in each of their hand.

"Offer these to the gods. This shrine in particular is supposed to bring good luck. Oh, and don't forget to visit the garden in the back. There are many flowers and it's beautiful."

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