Epilogue No. 5

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"Babe can you take care of the baby?!" Taurus called from the kitchen.

"What why me?!" Cancer whined but still got up and moved toward the teething baby.

"I'm making lunch here." She sighed and stirred a pot.

Cancer sulked but plopped next to the baby and stared at it. It's wide eyes watched him with interest and continued to bite the teething toy. She giggled and shook the toy, creating a rattling noise.

"Why are you so gosh darn cute?!" He couldn't resist the temptation of pinching her soft mochi cheeks. She cooed and grabbed his finger tightly, slightly pulling.

"Are you hungry?" Cancer asked in a high pitched voice.

Taurus walked in and smiled, she had grown out her hair which was now to her chest, it made her look more mature.

"Who's the baby here?" Taurus crouched down and kissed the tops of both their heads.

"Here's her food." Taurus handed some freshly made grinder carrots to Cancer.

"When is your mom coming to pick her up?" Cancer asked and spoon fed the baby.

"Mmm in an hour?"

"That long?!"

"C'mon, my mom and possible step dad wanted a date night."

"Whatever. Why is your baby sister so CUTE." Cancer squealed and was amazed at the way she ate.

"My mom thinks that too."

Her mom decided to start dating again and met someone who already had a daughter but she was willing to take care of her. Taurus noticed that her mom was really happy and she didn't want to take that away.

"Don't worry, after she eats we can spend some time together." Taurus wiped her hands on her apron and turned off the stove. She put the pot on the table and arranged the bowls and spoons.

"She finished already!"

"She must've been hungry." Taurus laughed.

Taurus could already tell that the baby was getting sleepy as she was rubbing her eyes and yawning, lazily shaking her toy.

"Drink some water." He handed her a sippy cup which she yanked from him and drank greedily.

She let out a tiny burp and laughed from the noise and then throwing the cup across the room. Cancer stared at her with a blank face.

"Really? Am I your slave?" He sighed, groaning like an old man while getting up.

Suddenly the baby made a whining noise to get his attention.

"Hm? What's wrong?" He looked down.

The baby raised her arms and whined again.

"Want me to hold you?"

She made the noise louder as if to say yes.

Cancer bent down and lifted the baby, sitting her on his hip like a mother. Taurus stifled a laugh as she was distributing the food.


"You look good with a baby." She admitted.

"Does it make me—

He did a turn and raised an eyebrow.

More attractive?"

"Maybe." Taurus smirked.

The doorbell rang. Cancer rushed to open it and saw it was her mom and boyfriend.

"Hello!" Cancer bowed, making the baby bow with him.

"Mom? You came back faster then I thought."

"We thought you'd be struggling taking care of her but you seem fine." She blinked in surprise.

"Hey princess!" The dad gently took her from Cancer and threw her in the air, catching her with big hands.

"Do you guys want to stay for lunch?" Taurus asked.

"No we'll go back to my place. You guys can spend some time together, I'm sure you need it." Her mom winked and they left.

"Hungry?" Taurus took her apron off and took a seat.

Cancer roamed behind her and wrapped his arms around her, bending down and nuzzling into the crook of her neck. She smelled like the food she mad.

"Babe..." he whispered.

"Hm what is it?" She asked while taking the first bite, his arms still around her.

"I want a baby."

"WHAT?!" Taurus almost choked on her food and turned her head to look him in the eyes. He maintained eye contact and remained serious, he wasn't kidding.

"I really really do."

"Do you know how expensive they are?"

"I do. I have a stable job don't I?" He was making stable income that helped pay for the rent.

"But I won't be able to work for a while."

"That's alright, I'll work more." He patted her head.

"Babe, I really don't think we're ready. We have so many things to do!" Taurus wasn't against the idea, she just thought now was the wrong time.

"But but."

"Cancer...there are a lot of things I want to do that I can't if we have a child right now." She spoke with serious concern.

"Ok what do you want to do? We'll do it right now."

"I want to get my Master's, travel the world, get a promotion at work, and even more."

Cancer knew that was impossible to do in under a year.

"If you like babies that much...for now you can take care of my baby sister." Taurus suggested.

Cancer sighed and was clearly disappointed but he understood Taurus' thinking and nodded in agreement.

"I promise we will have one together."

"I want that in writing." He joked and took his seat, eating the food. He stopped and looked at her with love struck eyes.

"You're gonna be a great mother."

"I think you'd be more like the mother. I'd take a more strict approach."

"I'll pamper them like crazy." He laughed.

"Can I have more rice?" Cancer asked.

"Ya of course." Taurus grabbed his bowl and walked over the kitchen. It wasn't long before Cancer followed and put his arms on either side of her on the counter so she couldn't escape. Taurus turned around and raised her rice paddle as a warning, but he shook his head and took it from her along with the bowl and placed them aside.

"This better not be a plan for me to have a baby." She squinted.

"No no I just want to kiss you." He leaned in a gave her a short kiss.

Taurus thought it was much too short and pulled him in again, this time it was more passionate and his hand wandered to her waist and then lifted her on the counter. She cupped his face and looked down at him, her hair forming a curtain for them. They stayed there for a long time and it almost led to other things but both were able to restrain each other from going too far.

Cancer's hands struggled to stay in one place and tried to only hold chaste places like her waist or her cheek.

"Ok this is getting dangerous for me." He pulled away and breathed carefully.

"Am I too much for you?" She teased.

"Don't start, I won't be able to stop." He warned.

Taurus laughed and gave him one last kiss before hopping off the counter and back to the dining room.

"Cancer! You made the food go cold." She scolded and playfully slapped his arm.

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