Unplanned Trip

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The next day, after school

"Let's go talk to Sagittarius." Gemini told Aquarius.

All the people in there was amazed that Aquarius could talk again and did not hesitate to ask him questions about how he felt, and he happily answered them but all the people crowding around him and yelling at him had him drained and in need of alone time.

Gemini knocked on Sagittarius' door and only opened the door when she answered.

"What's up boys? I heard Aquarius can talk again! I'm so glad!" She smiled.

"We think something happened to Scorpio." Gemini said and had Aquarius explain what had happened to him.

"God damn it. I should've known because they were girlfriends. Of course she'd go for her..."

"Wait hold up. Who would go for who?" Gemini knew he was missing something.

"Aries..." Sagittarius glanced at Aquarius.

"Then...she is probably the one that I spoke with on the phone. And...she's the one that sent that man to me." Aquarius said, anger boiling again.

"Fuck...where the hell is she?! She'd lead us right to him!" Sagittarius frowned.

"I...I don't know but don't you think it's a good idea to announce this to the others? So they know who to look out for?" Aquarius said with a determined face.

"You're right. Please tell everyone to come back to school because it's urgent."

Gemini and Aquarius nodded and got to work by texting everyone in a large groups chat they had. It took about an hour for everyone to gather, clearly unhappy that they had to come back to school. Some of them were even wearing their pajamas.

"Alright, this is going to come across as a shock to all of you I'm sure." Sagittarius took a deep breath. Pisces put a hand on her shoulder for reassurance but Sagittarius shrugged it off.

"Aries has been relaying all our conversations to the leader and she's the one that caused Aquarius' incident, on top of that we think she did something to Scorpio which is why they're both missing."

There were hushed whispers and some gasps echoing through the classroom.

"We are not a secret anymore but-."

"Aries is NOT the kind of person that would do that! I'm her sister I know her the best!" Capricorn slammed her hand on the table and stood up.

"Capricorn...Aquarius received a threatening phone call and it was a female's voice. He said it seemed to know him well." Sagittarius sighed.

"BULLSHIT! She would never try and kill someone!" Capricorn turned to Aquarius with a furious glare and marched over to him, poking a finger into his chest. Her nail dug into his shirt which pinched his skin a little.

"You...you're blaming my sister because she's dating Scorpio and you're jealous! She's run away from home before it's nothing new!"

"Wait...they're dating?!" Cancer gasped and covered his mouth.

"Shit..." Capricorn muttered but it was too late now to go back.

"What? That's not it at all!" Aquarius shook his head and tried to take a step back but Capricorn moved forward and dug her finger in further.

"Hey hey hey, let's all calm down." Gemini put a hand on Capricorn and gently pushed her away because he saw that she was getting a little bit aggressive.

"Don't fucking touch me asshole! You think I'm just going to stand by while my sister gets accused of assault and murder?!" Capricorn shoved Gemini forcefully which made him stumble into Aquarius.

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