Epilogue No. 6

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"Move move move!!! I'M LAAAAAATE." Aries push passed everyone, not caring what they thought. This was a very important day and she was not going to miss it no matter what.

"Excuse me but you need to wait in line."

"Look you don't understand I need to get in!"

"What I understand is that you have to wait just like everyone else. Please comply or you cannot attend."

Aries bit her lower lip in frustration and stomped back to the end of the line. She tapped her door impatiently as she got closer to the entrance. Eventually it was her turn and she handed her tickets in.

"Thank you for waiting." He eyes her and moved out of the way for her. 

Aries rushed in and saw the massive stage in front of her and was breathless. For some reason she felt like crying and took a hard gulp to suppress the feeling.

"Guys I need you to come back, one of the performers is having an issue." A staff member waved at the others and they went backstage. Aries looked around and followed them. They were all crowded around a closed door, knocking loudly and frantically yelling.

"Scorpio! It's almost time to perform we need you to get ready!" Someone pounded.

Aries got through everyone and put a hand on the door.

"I'll take care of it." She told the others.

"Scorpio? It's me Aries. Can you let me in please?"

After a moment the door opened slightly and Aries slipped through.

"Baby? Are you ok?" Aries put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm SO SCARED!" She sobbed into Aries' shoulder.

"Shhh, it's ok." Aries caressed her head in a calming manner.

"I-I don't think I can do this." Scorpio's hands were shaking.

Aries took her hands and pressed gently to keep her steady.

"You can do this. It's your debut! You should be so proud of yourself for coming this far. I know I am. Think of all those late nights at the karaoke and those guitar lessons you so diligently went to."

"I know...but...what if I mess up?!" Scorpio's eye makeup was slightly smeared from her tears. Aries grabbed a makeup wipe and rubbed the excess off while carefully talking to her.

"Listen, just look at me when you perform. I'm right in the front row like a promised you, dead center. If you ever feel nervous just look right into my eyes and imagine I'm the only one watching."

Scorpio was only fully comfortable singing in front of Aries. Her stage fright had lost her many earlier opportunities of debuting, the difference now is that Aries was here for this one. Aries had to leave for a few months due to work so Scorpio was left on her own, constantly auditioning and attending events.


Scorpio's breathing intensified and she was hyperventilating.

Aries took her into a hug and rocked side to side to create a relaxing effect, like a baby.

"I know you can do this. Remember what I said and just look at me." Aries regrettably released her and left the room.

"She's ready." She told the others.

Aries rushed back to her seat, front and center like she promised. She went through hell and back to her front row tickets like this. Scorpio wasn't the first performer so a few other singers and dancer came on, all amazing at what they do. The lights dimmed slightly, a chair and microphone stand was brought out. Aries felt nervous too but knew she couldn't show it in front of Scorpio.

Scorpio walked out in a beautiful red dress that had a long train, and it sparkled under the lights. Her heels clicked across the stage as she took a seat, adjusting the guitar in her lap. The room was silent, making her even more anxious. She visibly saw Scorpio gulp hard and with shaky hands set her hands on the first chord. She took a deep breath and searched the front row for Aries.

Their eyes locked for a moment, Aries giving her and encouraging mini cheer and thumbs up. She broke into a small smile and nodded her head to tell the sound people to play a backing track, to fill in.

She sang beautifully, as usual. It always left Aries without words but this time her heart swelled watched Scorpio fulfill her dream. She easily kept up with playing the guitar along with her singing and she finished without any issues. After the first minute of singing she was comfortable enough to look at the rest of the audience with a radiant smile. Once the song finished there was a round of applause, Aries trying to clap the loudest.

"YOU WERE GREAT!" She screamed for Scorpio to hear. Scorpio waved at everyone, and even giving kisses before exiting the stage. Aries ran to the backstage and rushed to hug Scorpio. She took Aries with open arms, and could feeling Aries' intense heartbeat.

"You were so beautiful, amazing, sensational, EVERYTHING!"

Scorpio laughed and pressed a kiss on Aries' cheek.

Aries pressed multiple kisses on Scorpio's cheeks and was more excited then Scorpio herself.

"Excuse me? Are you Scorpio?" An older woman approached them.

"Yes! She is. It's her!" Aries pointed.

"Yes that's me." Scorpio said with a calmer tone.

"I really loved your singer. You should come audition for my company. If we like you, you can sign with us and you will begin your music career."

"Oh my GOSH YES!" Aries screamed and jumped around.

"Calm down babe." Scorpio chuckled.

"Sorry." Aries apologized.

"Here's my card. If you have any questions feel free to email and call me."

Scorpio gratefully took the card and bowed respectfully.

"My baby is growing up so fast." Aries was now about to bawl her eyes out, something she had been holding in since the beginning.

"Aries, thank you so much for being there for me, helping me practice, and being the BEST girlfriend ever."

"I will always be there for you, always." Aries gave her a peck on the lips and held her hand tightly.

"I love you so much." Scorpio kissed Aries' hand.

The End

Thank you so much for reading!

It won't be long before my next book comes up, please check my announcement to read a summary of the book! Thank you for all the support you guys give me🥰🥰

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