Dark Day

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Pisces groaned in frustration as he stared at his book.

"This is not exciting."

He shut the book and walked over to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. He stared at his reflection in his stainless steel fridge and sighed.

I'm back!

"Pisces! I missed you." She kissed just lips softly.

"I've only been gone for a little bit." Pisces mumbled into her hair.

"Do you remember what day it is?" She blinked through her bangs.

"Of course I remember! That's why I was gone." Pisces pulled out a small box.


Pisces opened the box to reveal a shining diamond ring. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee. She gasped and covered her mouth with genuine surprise as he said the four words.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Of course!" She pulled him into a hug and kissed him deeply.

3 months later.....

Pisces stood at the chapel, nervously tapping his foot. He watched as his family patiently waiting for the bride to show up. The bride's family was just as nervous, wondering where their daughter was.

The doors were frantically shoved open, a man who was sleek with water painted as he ran down the aisle. It was her brother, and he looked terrified.

"W-what happened?" Pisces gulped.

"She she got into an accident." He sobbed and fell to his knees.

"It's my fault! I was driving the car!" He couldn't look Pisces in the eye.

"What?! Where is she?!" Pisces yelled.

"In the hospital!" He cried out.

Pisces couldn't hear any other words. He ran out of the building and hailed a cab as quick as possible. He found it hard to keep his tears within him while begging the driver to go as fast as possible.

The driver sensed his urgency and took the shortest route to the hospital. Pisces jumped out the car before it even stopped, throwing a random amount of cash into the backseat. Pisces felt like he was suffocating as he ran through the hospital, yelling at people to help him.

1 month later....

Pisces adjusted the tie of his black suit, a sullen look on his face. All emotion was erased from his face on this day and he felt nothing. His phone buzzed and he saw that it was his mother.

"My dear, are you ready?"

"Yes mother."

"We're here to pick you up."

"I'm on my way."

Pisces took the bouquet of lilacs, her favorite flower, and stepped out of his apartment to attend one of the darkest days of his life.

Pisces blinked repeatedly after hearing the sloshing of an overflowing cup of water.

"Shit." Pisces whispered and placed the full cup of water to the side, grabbing a rag to clean up the spilled water. While he was cleaning up the doorbell rang. Who could he be expecting? He didn't have many friends to invite. He groaned as he stood back up and lazily walked over to the door. He cautiously opened the door and blinked in surprise.

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