Love & Hate

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Q: what have you been doing since quarantine started?
For me, I have been binge watching all the kdramas, American Horror Story, and Black Mirror. I have also tried my hand at baking which I rarely do because I enjoy cooking a lot more. Also, the dalgona coffee is very good and simple to make (just add a lot of sugar)

"Virgo and Leo uncovered some essential information."  Sagittarius had her arms crossed and was elegantly sitting in her chair.

"There's something called the Gambling Games. It's a chance to get rich overnight." She continued.

"We now know this sort of thing exists now...."

"We need to somehow get into it?" Capricorn finished.


"How about we talk to the same guy again? He might have some more information." Capricorn suggested.

"We can try that but I doubt he will have anything. This sort of thing seems like something only members can access."

"I'll take care of that." Aries shrugged.

Scorpio glanced at Aries, a somewhat worried glance but then went back to paying attention.

"Sagittarius." Taurus suddenly raised her hand.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I overheard some girls talking about something similar."

"Do explain."

"It was a group of sophomores and one of them seemed worried about something. She kept stuttering and on the verge of crying. After sometime of her friends comforting her she said something about having to go some event or it'll be the end of her. That's all I heard."

"That could mean anything." Capricorn scoffed.

"It could. Try and get more out of them."

Taurus nodded and smirked, finally happy she could be of some use.

"Anyone else have anything?" Sagittarius blinked.

Everyone shook their head and shrugged.

"Alright, sorry for having this meeting during your lunch time." Sagittarius lowered her head as a genuine apology.

"Damn I'm starving." Libra whined.

"We have about fifteen minutes of lunch left." Capricorn sighed.

"I'm good at shoving food into my mouth." Libra laughed.

Capricorn shook her head while smiling as they walked toward the cafeteria.

"I'll be right back." Libra look uncomfortable for some reason.

"Why?" Capricorn glanced at him suspiciously.

"Do I have to ask your permission to pee?"

"Oh. No!" Capricorn gave a look of disgust and walked past him.

Libra rushed into that bathroom. He'd been holding it in for the whole meeting; he thought he'd burst. While washing his hands he could hear two people talking in the biggest stall at the end. At first he thought it was two people just having at it but he slowed the water down to hear what they were saying.

"How'd you get so much money?!"

"I went to that thing last week and won a shit ton of money."

"What thing? Tell me!"

Their voices lowered even more and Libra took it upon himself to enter the stall a door down to hear them.

"It's called....a casino."

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