A Mole

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"What the fuck is this shit?!" Taurus pounded on the desk angrily.

"LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY!" The teacher yelled and scowled at her.

Taurus ran a hand through her hair in frustration and bit her lip to prevent herself from yelling. She stared at the paper and the question she was stuck on. She was inexplicably annoyed by the numbers in front of her.


"WHAT?!" She snapped.

"STOP YELLING BEFORE I SEND YOU TO THE OFFICE." The teacher slammed her book on the desk and glared at her.

Cancer blinked back in surprise and hesitated saying anything but got it out.

"Are you ok?"

"Perfectly fine." She huffed and picked up her pencil.

"Are you..." she didn't let him finish his sentence.

"No I'm not stuck and no I don't need your help."

"Really? You seem a bit lost though."

"No. I am not. I know exactly what to do." She focused on the problem to try and prove him wrong.

Cancer watch her write the process down and shook his head.

"You have to find the derivative of this first." He pointed with his pencil.

"Shut up." She proceeded to find the derivative of what he showed.

"You know you can ask for help once in a while. It's not bothersome to me."

"And why are you assuming I would ask you? I've never needed help and I don't need it anytime soon." She was especially sassy today.

"Really? Because you found the wrong derivative." He glanced.

"Stop looking at it!" She used her body to block the paper.

"You know I have the problem too..." He looked at his own paper which was already done.

"I am the smartest in this class. I don't need help from you fools. Usually you are the one that asks me for help."

"Well for once I know what I'm doing." Cancer raised an eyebrow.

"You can't be good at everything."

"Really? I can play two instruments, speak three languages, I am in all advanced classes with a 4.0 GPA, and I can cook. Just to name a few." She boasted.

"Ok I know you're extremely smart. You don't need to prove that to me." He chuckled and sighed.

"Why are you even talking to me?" She rolled her eyes.

"Am I not allowed to? Do I need VIP access to talk to you?"

"Of course you do. I am a shrine." She huffed and smirked.

"Oh shrine goddess grant me access." Cancer did a shallow bow.

Taurus cracked a smile at the way he was responding to her. Usually people would give up and leave, frustrated by her stubbornness.

Taurus put a hand on his head, realizing of soft his hair was. She had never touched him. That day he came into her house; they did nothing. Just chatted, ended up staying up late, and slept in.

"Access granted." For once in her life she gave in.

"Actually....can you help me." She revealed her paper and moved it closer to him so he could see.

"Of course I will."

After they finished working on the problem Taurus nodded sternly.

"Alright I understand it now. I was being stupid." She face palmed.

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