Chapter 1 (EDITED)

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I woke up today, it was just a normal day

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I woke up today, it was just a normal day. I would do some homework then watch some tv then after dinner and a shower I would go to sleep.

I live with my parents and two siblings. My two older siblings are named Lisa and Miles they are in the popular group, my brother Miles is co-captain to the football team. While my sister is head cheerleader.

My older siblings started to become ashamed and embarrassed of me they would ignore me in public and would not spare me a second glance. But they never actually hurt me physically, but Lisa she never stopped it and Miles would encourage the verbal side of the bullying that were thrown at me, mean phrases that made me feel less of myself.

I walked down the large marble staircase and into the large kitchen that was very fancy, it had a chandelier hanging from the high-rise ceiling and wooden cabinets and a matching wooden countertop.

My so called "mother" walks down the stairs with my father following close behind her. My mother and I never had a good relationship behind closed doors ever since I could remember it was always the twins, in public she acted like the loving mother in front of guests and family members. But when the doors closed, she completely ignored my existence.

I am closer to my dad I wouldn't say we were extremely but at least he acknowledged me in away. He wasn't loving to me as he was with the twins, but he still gave us the same rights.

"Morning" I greeted them as they sat down at the table.

"Good morning Isabella" my father greeted me very formally while my mother just gave me a nod of her head. Better than nothing I thought to myself.

Ten minutes later the twins joined us downstairs, Lisa was dressed in her cheerleading uniform as it was a big game today and it was mandatory for the girls to wear their uniforms. While Miles was dressed in a black shirt and Black jeans with his backpack slung over his shoulder. The twins said goodbye to Mum and Dad but completely ignored me it stopped bothering me awhile back, believe it or not I have more important things to worry about.

When I arrived at school, I pulled into the parking lot and made my way to the school entrance. I inhaled before walking through the large glass doors that leads to the lockers. As soon as I swung those doors open, I could immediately hear the chatter from the students around me. There were groups hanging around the lockers talking to each then there was other students who was getting books out of their lockers.

I walked to my locker and grabbed out the books I need for class before shutting the locker. I walked through the hallways that were buzzing with chatter. I heard some people call out names they were Miles and Jaxon's friends.

Jaxon even his name sends chills down my spine. Jaxon was my best friend as well as Miles the three of us were inseparable everything we did, we did together when I was young me and Miles were really close it wasn't until I was in my last year of middle school and they had just started high school that it fell apart. They left me but it is the past and its nothing I can't survive. They met Aron and Lexi as well as Ashley, they were happy, so I was happy. Even if Ashley made every day of my life miserable. They all became the popular and that's the end of that. I turned around not checking my surroundings and ran straight into a hard chest.

"Watch where you're going" I heard a rough voice say from above me. My books were scattered all over the hall floor. I knew that voice it is the one that makes my head spin and my heart shatter. I slowly lifted my head up to see Jaxon staring down at me. The small smile that once was displayed across my face disappeared; a look of shock crosses his face when he saw it was me.

I quickly picked up my books and papers that were scattered across the hall and got on to my feet. Before I could walk away, I heard a high-pitched voice come from behind Jaxon.

"Jax what are you doing with her" Ashley's voice rang through the halls drawing the attention of everyone in the hallways, the way she spat 'her' with so much venom at me made me want to run in the opposite direction. I turned back around to face Jaxon after he didn't reply for a few minutes. I looked at him hoping that one day he will stand up for me, I wish that my Jax would come back.

"She ran into me I was telling her to watch where she was going" he said the coldness in his tone made something snap in me realising that I wasn't going to get my Jax back. The fact that there is no more My Jax or my best friend at all were nothing that is a tough pill to swallow but it's the truth.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I was just leaving" I said to him, the word leaving having two meanings leaving this school and this town.

"Good, no one wants you here" Ashley said giving me a smile. I could hit her throw insults her way but in reality, none of those things are going to do any of us any good.

"Well Ashley, I'm glad that you think like that" I said to her it thought she would grow up but no not Ashley. Ashley has beautiful black hair, green eyes and overall gorgeous in her own way. I looked at Jaxon and gave him a small smile.

"You won, all four of you has won" I said to him and the twins I could see their minds trying to figure out what that exactly meant. I didn't give them an explanation or say anything after that. I turned towards the exit and made my way to my car driving home.

They didn't deserve an explanation; I need to get away from this town and most of all, away from these people.

They didn't deserve an explanation; I need to get away from this town and most of all, away from these people

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