Chapter 17 (EDITED)

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I was sitting on the jet listening to music from my phone, I couldn't concentrate on the lyrics playing threw the earphones, my mind was running wild with scenarios of what could happen when I land I wanted to meet him so bad but I didn't know how...

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I was sitting on the jet listening to music from my phone, I couldn't concentrate on the lyrics playing threw the earphones, my mind was running wild with scenarios of what could happen when I land I wanted to meet him so bad but I didn't know how he would react. What if he is as bad as everyone's makes him out to be, maybe my decision was a little hasty maybe there's still time to turn this plane around and go back to Bills and keep living the life I had.

What's life without chance or change though? I thought to myself. Sighing I watched out of my window seeing the clear blue sky and fluffy clouds. I never take chances and for that I haven't lived life to the fullest. If I turned my back now, I might lose one of the best things to happen to me. I got to stop running from what scares me and face those fears instead. I saw the lovely flight attended approach me.

"Were about to land, Miss Leroy please buckle up" she instructed me I nodded my head and buckled my seat belt.

Preparing for what is head of me


"Jeremy is she on the plane yet" I heard Marcus's voice threw the speaker.

"Yeah Marcus she should be arriving soon" I said to him. I was happy for my brother to have the one thing that holds him together back, my parents were always unfair to him. Why? It was jealousy just like it is with Bella see there both so a like they look alike talk alike and most of all they have the same determination and leadership. Her and Marcus has always clicked if you didn't know the family and saw them tighter you would think their father and daughter but it's impossible.

"Good, that's great I will have my men get her home safely and meet her there, I'm just heading off from the meeting now" he answered.

"Ok, Marcus I know you would never ever hurt her, but Bella is sensitive they really did a number on her so please be gentle around her" I warned him.

"I know I just wish I could have taken her away from their earlier, it coulv'e stopped all of this" I heard him say in a soft tone. Which for him to speak like that is very rare but it was a good sign it shows that he still cares.

"I know Marc me to but there was nothing we could do now they could only try to take her back; they won't stand a chance" I said to him threw the white iPhone in my hand.

"Your right Jeremy, she will be safe with me" I heard him say the confidence overflowing in his voice.

"We have been training her" I said to him cautiously.

"I knew Bill filled me in on your stupid decision to send her as a decoy" he said the hard tone to his voice returned.

"True and I take full responsibility for that, but the training is helping her defend herself If she is ever caught in a dangerous situation" I said to him.

"I know and I agree with you on that part, that's why I will continue training her myself" I was shocked the beast doesn't train anybody he is the most ruthless and the best fighter to ever walk the underground I suppose she isn't just anyone she is his little munchkin.

"Ok yeah sounds good I will let you go Marc" I stammered still shocked from his previous words.

"Sounds good, hey Jeremy I don't say this enough but thank you and tell Bill I said thank you as well you don't know how much this means to me" I heard him say, I never heard those words come out of his mouth before.

"You never have to thank us your our baby brother" I said to him pressing end call not letting him reply.

He deserves this. After everything they did to him


I got off the plane to be met with two guys dressed in black suits and dark shades. I nervously walked to the car that they were standing in front of. One of them opened the door for me while the one to the left grabbed my luggage and loaded it into the boot of the car.

"Hello miss we are your Uncles men we will take you to the boss" the one that had opened the door said to me once we were in the car I noticed they both had shaggy brown hair and I'm 99.9% sure they were twins but they had blacked out shades on so I could see there features very well.

I nodded me head at him and looked out my window watching as we pulled out of the airport and watched the trees fly by soon houses and businesses came into view and I watched as people ran around the town. I loved observing people I find it interesting peoples action says a lot about them.

"Mam we have arrived" I heard from the front seat and I jumped a little as my door was opened for me. I climbed out and thanked them both before walking up the stairs of the mansion. It was beautiful it was very classic, yet modern touches were added to it.

I was greeted by a maid at the door who guided me up the grand staircase and into a gorgeous suite that had a large bed and beautiful grey walls a dresser and a desk with supplies on it. I walked through the white door that lead me to a gorgeous bathroom, and another door lead me to a walk-in closet that was filled with stunning clothes to suit every occasion possible.

"Mam, boss is waiting for you in his office if you're ready" the middle age maid asked me with a kind smile present on her face. I smiled back at her and nodded my head following her throw the beautiful halls. Until we stopped in front of a large black door which I could only presumed led to Uncle Markus office.

"Here you are miss, go in whenever you are ready" she said leaving me to my uncle.

I rose my small hand up to the door and knocked three times before hearing a deep voice.

"Come in" he said, taking a deep breath I walked in. I saw a man standing in front of the large black desk which was made out of what looked like glass. The man that stood before me was identical to the one that stood beside twelve year old me in the photo and the man that gave me the best advice when I exactly needed it without even being there in person, the person that made me want to fight.

"Hi" I said to him making a complete fool why would I say that? Say some thing else Bell.

"Hello Bella" he said to me, he looked like a male version of me I couldn't believe it. Before I knew what was happening, I was wrapped into a tight hug I felt safe it was like the fatherly hug I was never given the chance to experience.

"I am so glad you here, we have a lot of catching up to do" he said to me pulling away from the hug and giving me the slightest smile.

"Yeah Uncle Marcus we do" I replied.

"Yeah Uncle Marcus we do" I replied

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