Chapter 27

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I walked into the mansion following Lincoln I saw all the women of the family sat in the sitting room all spread out chatting away including both my mother and sister as well my heart clenched remembering everything they put me through I got to re...

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I walked into the mansion following Lincoln I saw all the women of the family sat in the sitting room all spread out chatting away including both my mother and sister as well my heart clenched remembering everything they put me through I got to remember I'm stronger not because of the new found power but because I won't stand for it anymore.

Revenge, Power, Money it all comes and goes none of it ever stays but your true family will always be there that's why I still stand by my decision not to take revenge in fact I should probably thank them they pushed me towards Marcus, Lincoln, Jay and Char I don't need them but it doesn't make it any easier on my heart.

Caroline was yet to notice me I cleared my throat making all the ladies heads turn towards me when Aunty saw me her face lit up and started running towards me well more like stumbling in those heels.

"Bella honey your back how dare you not come and visit me you cheeky girl" she said while hugging me.

"Hello Caroline how are you" I asked still hugging her.

"I'm good honey but we can catch up later you need to go and keep Marcus under control and tell him if he breaks one more of my chairs it's going to be hell to pay" she said.

"I will do that Aunty" I looked over her shoulder and my gaze stopped upon a certain girls face it was the Queen Bitch herself Ashley and her mother seated beside her I should've known their family would also be involved somehow no show without plastic dolls after all.

"Bella" my sister slowly whispered out not believing her eyes as we locked gazes I saw I never thought I would see both emotions directed at me sadness and love too late now I gave her so many chances I don't have time for high school drama anymore this is the real world with real problems.

I broke our gaze noticing her best friend Lexi sitting next to her believe it or not Lexi was actually nice to me but she still did nothing to help me.

"Come on Linc I better go see how Marcus is doing" I said as I walked towards him.

He leads me up the stairs to the meeting room when I hear yelling again I walk in the door and stand back in the shadows I see pretty much everyone I have dreaded seeing know ones noticed me yet so I decided just to observe for a little.

"You know Marcus why can't you be more like your brother Lucas" Grandpa shouted while grandma just stood their glaring at Marcus.

I think what disappoints me the most is that Lucas hasn't said anything if I'm being honest I'm nothing like him and seeing how he can turn not only against me but Marcus as well I would much prefer Marcus as my dad he lost the title of me calling him dad, he's just Lucas now.

I see Jaxon's parents as well as Miles and Aron all standing in one side of the room with of course with Jaxon I'm still yet to look at him I don't think I want to look at him not after everything he put me through Miles and Aron hasn't changed much at all.

"Well for your information dad I like my brother just the way he is" Uncle Bill spoke up before Marcus could say anything patting Marcus on the back.

"Me to" Maya Said I didn't even notice her little figure standing near Uncle Jeremy's leg.

"Me three" Jeremy added

I thought this would be a good time to make them aware of my presence I had seen enough to know who this people truly are.

"Me four" I stepped and walked near Dad.

Before I could reach Dad Maya came running up and hugging me.

"I missed you Bella" she whispered to me.

"I missed you to so much" I whispered to her.

"Bella" grandma said " what on earth are doing here and why are you standing up for him"

"I'm standing up for my Father" making sure to emphasise father.

"That's ridiculous Bella Lucas is your Father" Grandpa stated clearly getting angry everyone else in the room is watching.

"He may be my biological father but the minute I found out the truth that everyone except my uncles hid from me he stopped every bit of my respect for my so called family went down the drain" I was getting very angry now, "Bella honey..." Lucas started.

"No don't you dare start, have you ever thought maybe I wanted to know about the uncle you hid from me for my whole but I bet you he knew didn't he" I yelled while pointing at Miles.

The look on my so called fathers face said it all they all knew but didn't bother to tell me what are they hiding it couldn't possibly be that Marcus would have hurt me because I think he had proven to everyone that I was possibly the only thing he wouldn't hurt so what? I know one thing for sure I'm going to find out.

"I'm not going to argue anymore I'm nearly 18 years old that means I'm nearly an adult I have responsibility's I came here to see my dad and uncles so if you'll excuse me and Marcus I would like to spend some time with him" I said as calmly as possible the last thing I need is a headache.

I saw my grandfather about to protest but I quickly cut him off.

"I'm sure with your brilliant plans that you never fail to mention you can go just a little while without him grandfather" I said in a sarcastic tone.

He quickly looked down in anger as I walked towards my dad and grabbed him by the arm still not bothering to look at Jaxon knowing all too well if I did look at him all the feelings that I buried deep down in me would come back up and I would be once again in his trap something I know longer can be in I am now someone with a lot of responsibility's I know for a fact that I can no longer play these silly high school games that they used to play with me I have people relying on me and I'm not going to let them down.

They can't know who I am yet not until I figure why they hid uncle Marcus from me so I simply walked out of there with my head held high its good not feeling weak against my family for once in my life.

They can't know who I am yet not until I figure why they hid uncle Marcus from me so I simply walked out of there with my head held high its good not feeling weak against my family for once in my life

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