Chapter 14 (EDITED)

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I groggily opened my eyes seeing a bright light shining above me

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I groggily opened my eyes seeing a bright light shining above me. Where am I now, I thought to myself. Letting my eyes adjust to the bright light suddenly everything came clearer within a few minutes.

"Miss can you hear me, Miss" I saw a figure of what I am guessing is a woman by her extremely long hair and the tone of her voice.

"Doctor I think she is awake" the voice shouted again.

I tried to move but my whole body was still numb. I let out a little groan my throat was so dry I couldn't even talk.

"Get her some water quick" I heard a man's voice speak from further across the room. The woman's figure soon disappeared and replaced by another. I have to sit up I thought to myself.

"Here honey drink this" I heard the woman's voice again and a cup was held up to my lips. Taking slow sips of it till my throat felt a little better. I slowly sat up and looked at the man and woman. One was dressed in a white lab coat who I am guessing is the doctor and the woman was dressed in purple scrubs both wore stethoscopes around their necks. The lady gave me a warm smile and placed the sup on the side table.

My whole body felt like there was bricks pulling me down, I didn't know what to do? Or what was happening?

"How are you feeling?" she asked gently.

"I'm ok, sore but may I ask where I am?" I questioned them both.

"You're in the hospital it's a miracle your awake after flat lining" the nurse answered the doctor just stood there observing me and checking the machine beside me.

"Can you remember anything that happened?" the doctor finally spoke up. I tried to think really hard, but I could only remember bits and pieces, it was all a blur after a while of trying to put all the pieces together. My head started to thump I felt a hand come in contact with my shoulder, I snapped my head towards the hand to see the lovely nurse standing closer.

"It's alright honey take your time" she soothed me. Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and I remembered everything Lincoln being hurt, me being shot, the memories and most of all the man in the memories.

"I was shot" I said to them.

"That's correct thankfully for you Lincoln got you here just in time another five minutes and you would have lost to much blood, you slipped into a coma then flat lined we didn't think you were going to make it for a few seconds there" the doctor explained.

"Could I see my family please" I asked kindly. They nodded their heads and walked out of the room leaving me alone for a few minutes until uncle Bill came rushing in.

"Bella you're ok" he said to me I nodded my head in return giving him small smile.

"I'm ok is Lincoln and your other man ok?" I questioned him worried that they were hurt in some way.

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