Chapter 35

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After we pulled out of my front gate and started the journey to the restaurant Jaxon was the first to speak

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After we pulled out of my front gate and started the journey to the restaurant Jaxon was the first to speak.

"You look beautiful Bella" I blushed.

"Thank you, you look pretty good as well" I said and he just smiled back.

The silence wasn't awkward or anything in fact Jaxon seemed pretty happy don't know why though. After about ten minutes of driving we arrive at this beautiful restaurant. Jaxon quickly jumped out of the car and ran around to my side of the car and opened the door for me while holding his hand out. I put my hand in his and hopped out as well and stood beside him.

We started making our way towards the entrance of the restaurant. It was beautiful the fairy lights that framed the windows and hung from the ceiling making it seem so romantic and magical.

The man at the podium stood in a white button up shirt and black dress pants.

"Hello miss how may I help tonight" he said with a charming smile completely ignoring Jaxon's existence which by the look on Jaxon's face he didn't like it one bit. I'm sure if he scowls anymore his face will stay like that permanently but I decided to be nice.

"Yes you can actually, my boyfriend and I would like our table please" I said as I hugged Jaxon's waist he soon tucked me into his side with his arm wrapped securely around me.

"Anything for a beautiful woman like yourself" he said and all I could wonder is he dense or is he just ignorant.

I felt Jaxon's body tense even more if that's possible to be honest I know how Jaxon gets very possessive over me and to see him angry knowing if he snaps he could hurt himself just the thought of it breaks my heart I hate seeing him hurt even if it's his own stupid fault.

The waiter led us to our table and left us to decide what we want to eat.

The idiot of a waiter came back after fifteen minutes.

"Ok beautiful what can I get you tonight" he said with a wink he is asking for a beating.

"I'm not sure in fact I don't think I'm not really feeling like this type of food anymore" I got up and grabbed Jaxon's hand and turned back to the waiter.

"I do apologize but with these pregnancy cravings I'm getting lately it's terrible and my emotions I'm sad then I'm happy, you know I feel sorry for my boyfriend here with putting up with it all one minute I will be crying and screaming at him then the next I'm jumping his bones" I said to him in the corner of my eye I see Jaxon's eyes go wide at everything I just said I simply wrapped his arms around me and walked away leaving a shocked waiter standing next to our table.

As we got to the car Jaxon softly grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"I'm sorry Bella I have no right to act that way I really am sorry" he apologised.

"Jaxon its ok how about you just explain everything you know rip the band aid off type of thing" I said.

"ok" he started telling me everything how my grandparents threatened to kill me if he didn't torture me same with Lexi, Aron and the twins he also told me about Miles not wanting to do it he said that they knew nothing about my real parents not even his parents knew about it.

I understand everything now the death threats from my grandparents they did it to protect me and the most part of me is happy knowing he had a good reason for it.

"I believe you Jaxon and in time I could probably forgive you as well, I well we just need to take everything from the beginning" I explained he jumped up from the side walk and picked me up and pulled me into a big hug and spun me around while repeating "thank you" over and ever again I giggled.

"Don't thank me just yet now let's go to a diner or something" I paused "something simple at least if you want that is" I asked as he finally me go from his grip and he started nodding his head rapidly.

"For sure" he said he walked me to my side of the car and opened the door for me and hopped in his side ad drove off.

"I know the perfect place Bella"

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