Chapter 5 (EDITED)

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I have made many, many mistakes in my life but I have never regretted one

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I have made many, many mistakes in my life but I have never regretted one. How exactly? That's what I want to know, my dad is one of the most powerful people alive to this day and for that reason, nothing can touch me and no one can bring me down except one her name Isabella Rose Leroy my ex best friend, trust me when I say I don't want her to be my ex best friend but it is for the best

I don't have regrets not even with losing her because if she was still my friend, she would be a target to the mafias that are enemies of my father. I did what I had to do, even if every time I see her my heart breaks a little more, seeing the look in her eyes as I pass her in the halls not being able to tell her that everything will be ok and that I never meant for it to be this way. But instead every time I kept walking straight past her and to my friends. The only thing that makes me do that is knowing she is safe from the trouble I cause.

This morning was no different from any other I walked past her locker which she was standing at getting her books out of her maroon locker and putting them into her turquoise backpack. Her beautiful black hair went straight down her back and she was dressed in a pink t-shirt and pair of blue jeans even an outfit so simple she still looked so beautiful.

Snap out of it Jaxon remember her safety my conscience reminded me. So, with that thought I kept walking she didn't notice me as she was so distracted in her own little world, I guess that was a good thing, less heartbreak for both her and I.

I went to my morning classes taking in the notes and assignments for the classes. I take school very seriously I have to get good grades so I can take over the business from my dad and become the next leader of the Black Dragons, not only that but my mum would be disappointed if I didn't and I respect and love my mum too much to disappoint her.

My friends would talk to me and tell me stories about the parties they went to, but I couldn't care less all I could focus on was seeing Bella to make sure she was ok. I wasn't oblivious to the bullying and trust me when I say this, it broke my heart not be able to help her and tell them to piss off but if I did that then everybody would know I care and unfortunately, I can't risk that.

Finally, lunch was here, and I met up with Bella's older brother Miles and our other best friend Aron. This two are basically the only ones that know the real me. My other friends only want to be close to me because of my social status.

As we were walking down the hall a tiny body crashed into me from the corner of my eye I saw my princess laying on the ground but I also saw all eyes on us so instead of helping her I did the stupidest thing.

"Watch where you're going?" I gritted out not because I was mad because it pained me to get the words out of my mouth and say them to her. I saw her slowly look up and recognition flash across her face, she realized that it was me and I saw the small smile from her face disappear and be replaced by an unpleasant frown. She quickly picked up her books that were scattered across the floor and got on her feet. She went to walk away but an unpleasant high-pitched voice rung threw the school hallways.

"Jax, what are you doing with her?" Ashly's voice rung threw my ears and if all the attention wasn't on us before it defiantly was now thanks to her. Remember Jaxon Bella's safety I reminded myself. So, I turned towards Ashley and spoke.

"She ran into me; I was telling her to watch where she was going" I said make sure that my tone was hard even though the last bit of my heart was shattering slowly.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I was just leaving" I heard her angelic voice say behind me, there was something about the way she said it like there was a double meaning to it.

"Good no one wants you here" I heard Ashley squeal from beside me. Gosh can this girl not be quite I thought to myself.

"Well Ashley, I'm glad that you think like that" I heard Bella speak a lot of people were shocked because she never talks back to Ashley.

"You won, all four of you has won" she said my whole world started to spin what does she mean? I have a bad feeling as I watched exit the school building, I wanted to run after her, but I didn't, and little did I know.

For the first time in my life I would finally have something to regret, and that was not chasing after her and being a man instead of acting like a little boy.

School finished the day seemed to drag on, I was driving to Miles house the only reason was to make sure Bella was alright. When I arrived, the bad feeling intensified in me as I got closer and closer to the door the twins, Aron and Lexi and I walked in to hear sobbing coming from the lounge room.

We slowly made our way in and saw Lucas and Cindy sitting on the couch Cindy sobbing and Lucas consoling her.

"We failed Lucas why? why did they make us do this?" she said, and I knew exactly who they were the master minds behind the whole torcher Bella horribly scheme. My heart started racing if they failed then that must mean that something happened to Bella, I knew it. But her car is out front I thought to myself so she must be safe right?

"Mum what's wrong?" Lisa asked shakily both Lucas and Cindy turned towards and uttered those few words that made my whole world come crashing down

"Bella, she left"

"Bella, she left"

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