Chapter 9 (EDITED)

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"Kid, wait up" I heard a voice shout from behind me I had just woken up and was going to the garden

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"Kid, wait up" I heard a voice shout from behind me I had just woken up and was going to the garden. But now unfortunately I have Lincoln running after me well more like very fast walking and yelling kid over and over again.

I'm still not over everything that happened yesterday, and I don't think having him around would be the best thing. I suddenly felt a hand latch on to my arm and harshly turn me around. I came face to face with Lincoln his face had a look of fury, obviously from me ignoring him for the past ten minutes.

"Are you deaf? Or just ignorant kid" he growled at me.

"No, it's just I'm not in the mood to deal with this right now Lincoln" I said calmly to him. I went to turn back around and continue my path to the garden, but his grip only tightened until it hurt even more and more.

"Oww" I let out a little shriek of pain. His face softened a touch almost looking guilty. His grip loosened and I took that as my chance to run for it. I quickly pulled my arm from his grip and took off running down the hall. I heard him call my name, but no way was I turning back now.

I finally slowdown once the garden was insight. I finally was at the entrance way to the garden and I let out a sigh of relief. I sat down on the stone bench and bowed my head. Slowly rubbing where he had his grip on my arm, I'm sure there is going to be a bruise.

"Bella" I heard my name being called I jumped up from fright being a bit on edge. I turned around and saw Char racing towards me.

"Hey Charlotte" I said to her taking my seat back on the bench again, she came and sat next to me.

"Hey Bella, I'm sorry if I scared you it's just, I thought I would come and see how you are, Bella what happened to your arm?" she questioned me concern laced in her voice, I hadn't realised that I had removed my hand from the red mark on arm so it could be seen by anyone at the right angle.

"Oh nothing" I stuttered out at her; gosh I am the worst liar ever to walk this planet. I didn't know what to say to her, if I told her the truth then she would do something stupid and take it all out of proportion which right now was the last thing I needed.

"Bella, that's not nothing, that's a handprint" she said pointing out the obvious I sighed and looked over at her meeting her worried gaze.

"Look Char, its nothing it was an accident, and everything has already been sorted" I said to her my tone was reassuring, I didn't want to have to answer all these questions.

"Fine, but if I see one more mark on you, I will tell my dad" she warned, and I knew she meant it to that's why I didn't want to tell her the truth about the mark.

"Deal" I said smiling at her.

"Ok great well dad said he needs to talk to you" she said getting up I nodded my head and also got up off the bench and made my way to Uncles office.

Once I arrived, I saw the door was already open and there was Uncle Bill and Jeremy with four other men including Lincoln. I could feel his stare burn into my back as I walked to my Uncles.

"You wanted to see me" I said to them I already knew what it was about. It was about the whole Jay situation.

"Yes Bella, what happened yesterday?" Jeremy said to me giving me a pointed stare.

"I don't know he was getting really angry at Aunt Caroline and my first instinct was to jump in front of her, then he kept running his mouth and I couldn't hold back anymore and snapped when he called her those things" I said to them they all stood there staring at me I slightly turned my body towards the other men and they looked blankly ahead.

"I'm not going to apologize for hitting him if that's what you are excepting he was out of line just because his girlfriend wanted to cheat on him does not meant he takes it out on the women that loves and raised him" I said to them. To my surprise they nodded their heads which had me looking like a fish out of water.

"He is lucky you got to him before we did" Jeremy said to me which in return I nodded my head still shocked I don't have to apologize.

"But we do need a favour" Bill said, I had a very bad feeling about this. I leant over the desk slightly and lowered my voice.

"Does this have anything to do with the you know what" I asked them but obviously not quite enough because Jeremy and Bill let out a little laugh and the men behind me even chuckled a little. This made a slight blush rise to my cheeks caused by embarrassment.

"Yes and no, everything we do is almost have the you know what involved, but we just need your help distracting someone" Bill chuckled. My jaw dropped to the ground.

"You mean I have to associate with other people that work in the you know what" I said a little terrified

"Yes Bella, but nothing to server they won't even know you're a relation to us they will think your just some random girl at the bar. But we will be close enough so if anything goes wrong, we will be there to help" Bill said.

"Besides, you proven you can most defiantly pack a punch" one of the men chuckle form behind me. I don't want to do this, but they have done so much for me.

"So just to be clear I don't have to hurt anyone right" I said which both my uncles nodded their head.

"Ok, as long as I don't have to hurt anyone then yes, I will help" I replied to them.

Besides I just have to distract them, not actually have to do anything bad or illegal.

Besides I just have to distract them, not actually have to do anything bad or illegal

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(words 1075)

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(words 1075)

Him & I (Queen Shadow #1)Where stories live. Discover now