Chapter 30

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After getting them all to agree to let me handle it I walked back to the room that held the people that are responsible of turning my life upside down

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After getting them all to agree to let me handle it I walked back to the room that held the people that are responsible of turning my life upside down.

They were all still there standing in the exact position you know what lets mess with them I walked in the room acting all innocent just like the old Isabella would do but little do they know I'm now Queen Shadow no little miss princess anymore because well I'm a Queen.

I cleared my throat and all heads turned towards me most of them had shocked looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry for interrupting I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour yesterday it was extremely rude of me and I don't know where it came from especially disrespecting my real parents and especially you grandpa I'm extremely sorry" I said in the best innocent I could while controlling my anger just wanting to show them exactly what I can do.

"Oh honey of course we can" my Grandma said in an extremely fake voice yuck.

"What about you dad" now walking closer to Lucas, Cindy and my so called siblings.

"After all you are my real father aren't you?" I asked.

"Of course I am" he answered you could see him getting nervous I think I have had enough fun.

"Well I overheard uncle talking about your mission it sounds terrible you need someone like Queen Shadow to handle that I can help you get her help if you want" I said gosh I should become an actress.

"You can honey" grandpa answered.

"Yes, I can grandpa me and her well are really good friends I did live there while Marcus was training her" I can't believe there still lying to me I looked over at Jaxon he looked like he wanted to say something but was deciding whether or not and decided against it bad decision Jax.

"Ok what" grandpa asked again gosh eager much.

"Just a little warning she is very powerful you are aware so just remember she could easily take it without helping you she's doing this out of the kindness of her heart' I said I would love to attack them but I can't put mom in danger grandpa just nodded.

"She needs her mother back" I said with a serious expression now standing up tall and confident.

"We don't have her mother" Jaxon's father answered confused

"Your right Mr Hunters you don't but the do" turning to look at my grandparents and Lucas.

They all looked confused.

"No maybe this will refresh your memory" I played the video of them outing the secret.

Their faces all morphed into shock very quickly before anyone went to speak I showed them my tattoo representing Queen Shadow and my ring.

"I want my mother now and remember I can easily take her seeing how I have the queen phoenixes ready to attack every single warehouse you own and we always win, so what's it going to be?" I asked grandfather nodded at one of his men.

"We will bring her here immediately" grandpa sighed defeated.

"Don't try anything smart either otherwise I will hunt everyone you love down and destroy you" I said menacingly "do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, crystal clear" he said.

"Good" I walked up to the door and then turned background "oh and one more thing I'm no longer the Isabella I was with you now when I make a threat I always follow through one hair on my mother's head has been harmed and all of you are all dead" I glared all around the room and walked out the door.

When I was down the hall I found Dad standing there waiting.

"don't worry dad they have agreed she's fine I have men going with they will ensure that she is fine she will be home with us soon" I smiled at him.

"I am so proud to have a responsible and loyal daughter I always thought of you as a daughter but knowing your biologically mine and Vanessa's just makes it even better I love you my little munchkin" he smiled down at me.

This is it I'm finally going to have my family complete

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Him & I (Queen Shadow #1)Where stories live. Discover now