Chapter 39

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The past couple of weeks have been both amazing and horrible. Grandpa has been a pain in the backside with the mission we had to push it back a little bit so here I am standing in my kitchen thinking everything over and over again I always get like this before a mission I can't help if something happens to one of my team members I would never forgive myself.

Jaxon has been staying here most of the time which I don't mind one bit I love having him by my side I get to go to sleep with him by my side and wake up next to him its everything I ever wanted. But unfortunately he had to go to one of the meetings I was supposed to go as well but I haven't been feeling that well lately I'm tired and my stomach is very odd so Jaxon said I should stay here and then later if I'm feeling better I can go to it.

That is why I am here in the kitchen just cleaning up because I don't want the house to be dirty, I grabbed another dirty dish from the sink and started to clean it in the soapy water then putting in the drying rack finishing up the dishes. I suddenly felt really tired I don't know what's going on with me. I decided to go up to the bedroom and take a nap I got under the soft blanket and laid down and cuddled into the bed while hugging one of Jaxon's pillow seeing he is not here after sleeping with him the last couple of weeks I can't seem to sleep without him. I hope the meeting is going well I thought. Soon I felt my eyes go heavy and drift into sleep.

Opening my eyes I feel a heavy arm on top of my waist pulling me into a hard chest I knew it was Jaxon I've learnt not to hit him anymore when I wake up because I forget that he is there but I've got used to it now.

I roll over on my side to face him and take in his appearance his hair Is all messy and dishevelled he didn't have a shirt on so my chest was pushed up against still having his arms wrapped tightly around me keeping me tucked into his side I got my hands and rubbed up and down his chest feeling his muscles slowly rubbing my hands down to his abs I was lost in my own little world not noticing he was awake.

"Baby girl what are you doing?" he said in his sleepy voice which was husky he startled me a little bit.

"Nothing just admiring" I said while looking up at him with my best innocent look.

"Well princess I thought I showed you yesterday what happens when you admire" he exaggerated the word admire. I clearly remember what happened when I was admiring him yesterday in the shower I couldn't walk once he was done with me he took me against the shower wall then again on the bed. A blush made its way to my cheeks.

"Your just lucky you're not feeling very well so how about we go down stairs and I will cook you some dinner while you relax then we can watch a movie sounds good princess" he said while smiling lovingly down at me how I could stare at him all day.

"Sounds great baby" I said and went to get up from underneath the comforter and walked out of my door and as I got down the little hallway when I felt Jaxon's two strong arms wrap around me and pick me up and wrap my legs around his waist and started carrying me down the stair case and into the kitchen sitting me down on the stool at the kitchen counter and went to the stove.

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