Chapter 40

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We walk up the stairs everyone knew we were dating now we always were at the meetings together and pretty much lived together

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We walk up the stairs everyone knew we were dating now we always were at the meetings together and pretty much lived together. We entered the meeting room where everyone was ready to start.

"Good you to are finally here" the old grouch said who is Grandfather if you couldn't already guess. I rolled my eyes and sat down and Jaxon took the seat next to me also obviously very annoyed at his behaviour.

"Ok so Bella you will be leading the team on the front line while Jaxon will distract the boss with Jeremy and Bill in a decoy meeting so when you do attack they won't suspect you, we will go over the attack details tonight" Grandfather went over the mission. He started talking about something else but I couldn't notice my head started to hurt and I felt like I was going to threw up again Jaxon turned towards me and grabbed my hand under the table and drew shapes on my palm he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Are you ok princess?" all I could do was shake my head no. he looked at me concerned and got up and grabbed my hand. When the biggest wave of nausea came over me, I ran out the door and to the nearest bathroom barely making it I hunched into he sink not being able to reach the toilet in time. Just like every other time Jaxon is standing behind me comforting me how did I get so lucky.

"Baby you have to go to Linda she can check you over maybe get some medicine what if something is seriously wrong?" Jaxon said concern and worry laced his voice.

"I'm fine Jaxon can we just go home and rest for a bit please" he looked torn between the two choices "If it happens again we can go to Linda I just don't feel up to it right now ok" I promised him.

"Ok baby lets go" he said and help me clean up when we got out, I saw Dad standing there.

"Are you ok honey?" he said while pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine dad just a little off" I said while pulling out of the hug.

"Ok I will tell them and Jaxon can get you home call me or your mom if you need anything" he said I nodded my head and Jaxon lead me to the car and drove off home I'm so tired I decided to go to bed for a nap once we got home while Jaxon hade to make a few phone calls because he wouldn't go to work today refusing to leave me alone. I tossed and turned feeling tired but not being able to go to sleep. I felt Jaxon's arms wrap around me and pull me into his side I turned around and cuddled into his chest finally going to sleep.

I walked into Uncles mansion to see Linda in her office and Jaxon went to see Grandfather and my Uncles. I walked to her doctor wing and knocked on the door seconds later the door was opened by a smiley and bubbly Linda.

"Hello dear come in honey, have a seat and tell me what's wrong" she said and pointed to the bed. I sat up straight on the bed.

"Well I feel like I want to throw up sometimes my head feels a little off i just feel well like I've got the flu" I said she gave me a small smile and nodded her head.

"Ok honey tells me have your emotions been a little off sometimes as well?" she asked, and I nodded my head yes.

"Ok I need you to go into the bathroom and pee in this cup please" she said while handing me a little cup I took the cup and walked into the bathroom. Once I was done, I walked back out and put the cup on the table Linda smiled at me.

"Ok honey gives me ten minutes I will get my assistant to go and run some tests I will be right back" she smiled before walking out the door. I wasn't naïve of course I never thought of it before but when she said about running tests, I knew she thought I was pregnant, but I can't be I'm on the pill the pill always doesn't work my conscience reminded me. I could be pregnant what would Jaxon think would he be happy? What happens if he doesn't want it? All these negative thoughts ran through my mind I didn't even think of any positive outcomes of how he would react.

Linda soon came back in the room after 15 minutes she I was now sitting in front of her desk.

"Ok honey I am very happy to say that you are pregnant congratulations" she said excitedly while pulling me up from the chair into a hug.

"Oh, Jaxon will be over the moon" she said I started crying tears of joy because I'm actually going to have a child, but I was nervous of how Jaxon was going to react.

I thanked her and made an appointment for 6 weeks she told me I am know doubt around two weeks I sent a text to Jaxon asking if he could meet me in the garden not even a minute later he sent back yes.

I got to the garden to see Jaxon standing there near that exact same bench this garden seems to be where everything important happens so why not tell him here. As soon as he saw me, he hugged me.

"Are you ok princess do you have the flu?" he asked worried I guess telling him straight away would be the best thing.

"Jaxon there's no way really to say this, I'm pregnant" I said I looked up at him to try and read his facial expression it was blank no emotion he had his sun glasses on so I can't even see his eyes my nerves started building up.

I went to pull away but before I could he wrapped his arms tightly around me and spun me around once he put me down on the ground, he kept me in his arms but tilted my head up to meet his eyes.

"I am so happy baby girl you have no idea I've always dreamed of this I am the luckiest man on earth" he said while bending down to kiss me softly on the lips.

"You're not mad?" I asked he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Mad I could never be mad especially about this" he said while smiling at me his smile instantly made me smile.

"I love you baby"

"I love you too Jax"

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