Chapter 11 (EDITED)

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I saw Lincoln was tied up to a chair bleeding he had knife cuts all over his stomach and Cassandra stood there with a huge knife alongside two men that was holding guns

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I saw Lincoln was tied up to a chair bleeding he had knife cuts all over his stomach and Cassandra stood there with a huge knife alongside two men that was holding guns. I tried to steady my breathing so they wouldn't notice me, suddenly a gunshot cut through the eery silence then it was followed by a thud the tears started to full and I quickly bit my knuckle to try and choke back the sobs that were trying to escape past my lips.

Taking a few deep breaths, I quietly peeked my head around the corner I saw the man that had asked me to dance clutching his leg where the bullet had pierced his skin his short blonde hair which was once nicely styled was now all dishevelled. I locked eyes with Lincoln and saw a look of shock take over his face. Lincoln had been nothing but an asshole since I had got here but seeing him there hurt and helpless made me angry and I didn't know what else to do. There was to many of them in the room to take them at once by myself.

So I had to make at least one of the three come out here, I looked down the hall to see a metal bucket at the end. I quietly tip toed and kicked at the bucket and let out a cry of pain falling down very dramatically hoping to draw their attention to me. this could end two ways one terribly or the other option is it ends perfectly.

I saw Cassandra and one of the men come out of the doorway they looked alert and when Cassandra saw me, but the alert looks soon turned to confusion.

"This area is not for customers girl" the tall brooding man said to me, I looked up at them shyly.

"I am so sorry the man that I went with when I left the bar left me and then this other guy came up to me and he was a real creep so I ran" I stuttered out looking as innocent as I can.

"I will just go now" I said shakily trying to get up but "falling" back over and letting out a mimic of pain hoping Cassandra would step in.

"No take her to one of the spare VIP rooms I knew her she is fine let her rest that ankle" she ordered in return the man nodded his head and came to help me.

"Oh no Cassandra, I don't want to be any trouble" I said to her.

"Nonsense, Jim here will look after you whatever you need ok honey" she said "But If you will excuse me I have business to attend to" she said walking back into the room and Jim as Cassandra called him started helping me further down the hall and into a room that was decorated fancy, it had big couches and a huge tv as well as a personal bar area.

The man sat me down on the and went over to behind the bar and lent down behind the bench. I had no clue what I was doing I had no plan, but I knew I had to somehow take them down one by one otherwise I will end up like Lincoln. I was terrified I didn't want to hurt anybody but if I can knock them out long enough to get Lincoln and blondie out. Then Jeremy and Bill can deal with them.

I heard a fridge shut and snapped my attention back to the man who was now taking long strides towards me.

"Here is some ice put it on your ankle, I will be back sit right here and don't move out of this room, understand?" he commanded me I nodded my head and took the ice from his hand and putting it on my "hurt" ankle. He walked out the door and I am guessing back to the room where Lincoln and blondie was.

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