Chapter 8 (EDITED)

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I was laying on the grassed area in the garden, staring up at the clear blue sky and thinking about how far I have come in the past two weeks of training

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I was laying on the grassed area in the garden, staring up at the clear blue sky and thinking about how far I have come in the past two weeks of training. It wasn't much but it was still something, I didn't know how to feel about it. In away knowing that if I wouldn't to I could defend myself made me feel good about myself. Knowing that I am evolving, but it also scared me, I was changing, and I didn't know how to handle all the emotions that came with it.

Back home I was always being put down by my peers, it made my self-confidence drop until it hit the bottom and couldn't drop no more. When I would go visit my grandma, she used to ask why I didn't dress nicer or do my hair more elegant. I didn't see the point when people were just going to pick apart every flaw I have.

My uncles have been acting weird the past two days, something is up but I didn't know exactly what, I try and not take too much notice anymore because with what they do as a living there's bound to be some abnormal behaviour. I'm always nervous about their conversations because you never know what you are going to overhear.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes before I felt a tiny body lay down beside me, I knew immediately who it was from the tiny giggles she let out while attempting to sneak up. I laid still and listened to the grass crunching from Maya wiggling around so much. Little muffled giggles slipped past her lips as she tried to be quite but didn't succeed.

"Bella pssst... Bella" I heard her whisper in my ear from beside me.

"Yeah" I answered her, slowly opening my eyes to see her looking over at me with a big smile. One of her front teeth were missing so it made her look ten times more precious than normally.

"It's Jay he is upset" she said to me I sat up and looked at her with a concerned look.

"Why?" I asked her and she tilted her head to the side and shrugged her tiny shoulders.

"I don't know, all I saw was his Meany of a girlfriend walk out of his room with an angry look and went out to her car, then I saw Jay throwing things and saying bad words" she said to me. I nodded my head in understanding and gave her a small smile.

"I will go talk to him ok sweetie, how about you go back inside you shouldn't be out here by yourself" I said to her she nodded her head and skipped back inside.

I soon got up as well and wondered inside making my way to Jays room. As I got closer, I could hear banging against the wall and objects smashing. I walked into the room to see Jay standing in the middle of the room throwing objects and Aunty Carol trying to calm him down.

"Jay darling please stop I know what she did was terrible but maybe it's for the best" she said soothingly to her son, his head snapped in her direction and his eyes scared me they were pitch black not one ounce of emotion not even for his mum.

"She cheated mum, with my enemy, and she fucking knows that, and she thinks she has the right to be angry at me" he yelled, I didn't like how aggressive he was getting no one in the room had noticed me as yet so I just stayed in the doorway.

"Jay calm down there's no need to start with the swearing I know it hurts... I know" she tried to get closer to him, but he threw one of the vases at the wall behind him which made Carol jump back.

"Just shut up" he yelled I didn't know what happened but everything next that happened was like it was all in slow motion, something inside me snapped and I jumped in front of Carol.

"Enough Jay" I yelled; he gave me a wild look that surprisingly enough, it didn't scare me.

"I'm not going to stop, Bella you have only lived here three weeks at the most, mum acts like our lives are perfect, it's not Bella the girl I loved cheated with an absolute asshole" he screamed at me.

"She cares Jay you should consider yourself lucky" I said not knowing where all this confidence was coming from or the attitude.

"Well Bella, you see sometimes you don't want your parent's input in things especially nosey stuck up parents".

"JAY" I heard Bill yell from behind me and a sob come from Carols mouth and that was all it took for me to snap something I never thought I would do. My body started moving towards him the commotion in the background going unnoticed by myself. Soon enough my fist came in contact with his jaw and he went stumbling back, clutching it in pain. I took a step backwards, the whole room went silent, all you could hear was my heavy breathing.

"Never ever disrespect your parents especially your mother she has raised you birthed you and most importantly, loves you" I said my breathing still ragged from the adrenaline rush I previously had.

"You don't know how important it is till it is ripped away from you" I said to him shaking my head with disappointment. I saw a look of guilt flash across his face.

"Bella... I'm sorry" I cut him off knowing all too well I'm not the one that needs the apology.

"Don't apologize to me, say sorry to your mum" I said turning around and leaving the room but I soon realised there was a crowd of uncles men standing out in the hall and by the looks on their faces they saw everything that just happened.

I was ashamed in myself I had a perfect track record of no physical violence, but the worst part is that it was aimed towards my own flesh and blood. One face in particular caught my eye Lincoln he had that same obnoxious looking smirk on his face, and it pissed me off and I don't think now is the time to rile me up anymore.

"Wow that must have triggered you kid" I heard him say but I just kept walking. I was on my way to my room when a little person came crashing into me.

"Bella I'm tired mummy was supposed to lay down with me so I could go to sleep" she said looking up at me running her eyes with her left hand in her right was a stuffed rabbit that she always slept with according to carol.

"Ok honey well mummy's a little busy right now, how about I put you down for nap time" I said to her crouching down to her height. She nodded sleepily and let me carry her into her room.

So too many emotions were going through my head I don't know how to deal with all the changes happening in my life, how does one deal with this sort of thing? Well who am I kidding normal people don't have to deal with a mafia.

So too many emotions were going through my head I don't know how to deal with all the changes happening in my life, how does one deal with this sort of thing? Well who am I kidding normal people don't have to deal with a mafia

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